Statistics 2016

2016 a total of 6 095 applications were received, 1 052 of which were granted – an award rate of 17.3 percent. In total, approximately 3.5 billion SEK was awarded in research in all areas over the years 2017–2021.

Free research

The bulk of the funding – just over 3.3 billion – is going to grants that are not restricted to a specific field. The remaining funding – around 294 million – is being used for grants with various focuses, for example Proof of concept.

Close to 2.2 billion of the advertised project grants for this year is going to free project grants and 257 million is for project grants with a focus, for example project grants for research within the field of culture and cultural heritage.


Approved amounts per area of science
 Area of science

Total amount approved (SEK million)

Natural and engineering science

1 300

Medicine and health1 200

Humanities and social sciences


Clinical therapy research


Educational sciences


Development research*


Artistic research and development



*Denotes only “Protect grant: Sustainability and resilience – Tackling climate and environmental changes”.

Approval rate per applicant



Granted (SEK million)

Approval rate


2 165


15.4 %


3 733


16.8 %


6 095

1 052

17.3 %


*Applications for conference grants, research schools within bioinformatics and visiting professorships are not included.

One of the Swedish Research Council´s goals for achieving gender equality within our area of activities is to have the same approval rate and the same average grant amount for women and for men.

Approved amounts per type of funding

Type of funding

Total amount approved (SEK million)

Project support

2 400

Career support


Environment and cooperation support



Junior researchers

Of the total of 5 624 applications, 2 031 came from junior researchers, i.e. researchers who were awarded their PhD less than eight years ago. Of these, 262 applications were approved, which is an award rate of 13 per cent. The award rate for women and men in the junior researchers group is also 13 per cent for both sexes.

Approved amounts per administrating organisation

Administrating organisation

Total amount approved

Karolinska Institutet, KI

760 843 000

Lund University

558 482 327

Uppsala University

538 199 981

University of Gothenburg

360 268 052

Stockholm University

358 131 630

Linköping University

210 638 545

Umeå University

204 200 200

KTH Royal Institute of Technology

173 424 600

Chalmers University of Technology

114 622 000

Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, SLU

47 888 000

The table shows the amounts awarded by higher education institution for the ten institutions that have been awarded the most funding over the coming five-year period.



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Explanation of statistics

All amounts are shown in Swedish kronor (SEK).

The approval rate is the percentage share of all the applications received within a category that is awarded a grant.

The average grant is the average value of the grant amount awarded for the first year.

An administrating organisation is a higher education institution or other Swedish public organisation (that fulfils the Swedish Research Council´s requirements for administrating organisations).

A junior researcher is a researcher whose doctoral degree was awarded no more than eight years ago (at the time of application).


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