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Strengths, difficulties and needs within Development Research

The Committee for Development at the Swedish Research Council is currently conducting an overview of Development Research. You are welcome to give your input on the overview at a hearing on 6 September.


6 september 2018




Swedish Research Council, Västra Järnvägsgatan 3, Stockholm


Give your input on overview of Development Research

The Committee for Development at the Swedish Research Council supports research of relevance for poverty reduction and sustainable development in low income countries, as well as collaboration with researchers in low income and lower middle income countries.

The Committee is currently conducting an overview of Development Research, which will be an important strategic document for the Committee and a basis for the advice from the Swedish Research Council to the Swedish Government for the next research bill in 2020.

The preliminary results of the overview will be presented and discussed at a hearing at the Swedish Research Council on 6 September 2018, 09.30–12.00.

You are most welcome to participate and provide input on the overview and advice the Committee for Development Research on the strengths, difficulties and needs within the research area.

More details, including a program, will be posted shortly at www.vetenskapsrådet.se Länk till annan webbplats.

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