An evaluation of Swedish research in education

What is the level of Swedish research in the Humanities and Social Sciences? To get an overall overview of state-of-the-art in an international perspective, the Research Council for Humanities and Social Sciences (HSFR) engaged engaged a number of distinguished international scholars to review certain academic disciplines or larger research areas. Six reports have been published covering sociology, history, cognitive psychology, linguistics, biological psychology, economics and the programme on comparative culture.

There are reports of human geography and literature. The current volume puts research in education under scrutiny. The members of the international evaluation committee have been Frank Achtenhagen, (Göttingen), Jens Bjerg (Roskilde), Noel Entwistle (Edinburgh), Tom Popkewitz (Madison, Wisconsin) and Lise Vislie (Oslo). Even though the reports mainly focus on specific disciplines the findings may in many respects be of a more general scope and provide an important reference when discussing the general educational and research system in Sweden.

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