Office for coordination of inputs to ESS and MAX IV

During 2020, the Swedish Research Council and Vinnova will be establishing a joint office to maximise the Swedish benefit and use of the research facilities European Spallation Source, ESS, and Max IV in Lund.

The office is a joint government mandate to Vinnova and the Swedish Research Council, where the Swedish Research Council is the convening authority.

The office shall work towards:
  • Increased knowledge nationally about the facilities.
  • Broadening the Swedish use of the facilities.
  • Increased engagement among new interest and user groups within different sectors.
  • Making initiatives visible.
  • Coordinating ongoing and planned activities.

The office is being established – this page will be updated gradually.




  1. The Swedish Research Council awarded EU funding for Polar Connect Step 1

    The next sub-project in Polar Connect is now starting – where five Nordic actors join together to secure the global digital infrastructure of the future. The project also entails opportunities to collect data for research into the Arctic.

  2. Pär Weihed Appointed Investigator for the Swedish Research Council’s E-Infrastructure Assignment

    The Swedish Research Council has been mandated by the Government to propose how Sweden’s e-infrastructure for research can be developed through coordination and organisational change. We have now appointed Pär Weihed as the investigator for this assi...

  3. New members for two scientific committees at the Swedish Research Council

    The Swedish Research Council’s Board has appointed members to the Committee for Artistic Research and the Committee for Educational Sciences for the period 2025–2027. The mandate period is three years, and members may be reappointed for a further thr...