The Committee for Clinical Therapy Research

The Swedish Research Council's Committee for Clinical Therapy Research supports clinical therapy studies based on the needs that exist in health and medical care and which are expected to lead to a benefit for patients and society within a relatively short period of time. The Committee has thirteen members appointed by the Government and the Swedish Association of Local Authorities and Regions, SALAR.

Responsible for allocating research funding

The Committee for Clinical Therapy Research decides which calls are to be made within the area. They also decide on which applications will be awarded grants. They have three review panels to help them examine and prioritise the applications submitted to the Swedish Research Council, before the Committee takes a decision. The review panels, which are appointed by the Committee, consist of international experts, statisticians and representatives of patient organisations.

The research funded by the Committee must

  • be clinical and conducted in national collaboration
  • be based on the needs of health and medical care
  • be expected to lead to benefits for patients and society within a relatively short period of time.

The Swedish Research Council funds clinical therapy research in collaboration with the Swedish Association of Local Authorities and Regions. The Swedish Association of Local Authorities and Regions contributes about 40 percent of the funds that the Committee awards.

Following up and evaluating research in the area

The Committee follows up, evaluates, and produces strategies for the research area, for example through research overviews. In this work, the Committee is assisted by both national and international experts.

Strategic plan for the The Committee for Clinical Therapy Research 2020–2023 Pdf, 220.4 kB. (in Swedish)

Composition of the Committee

The Committee for Clinical Therapy Research has thirteen members. The Government appoints the chair and six members, three of whom are proposed by the Swedish Research Council (following consultation with Vinnova). The other six members represent the regions and are appointed by the Swedish Association of Local Authorities and Regions, SALAR.

The committee meets six times a year

Members 2021–2023




Mia von Euler, ordf.

Professor of neurology

Örebro University

Annika Bergquist

Professor of Gastroenterology

Karolinska Institutet

Marie Bixo

Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology

Umeå University

Anders Bjartell

Professor of Urology

Lunds University

Ewa-Lena Bratt

Professor in Nursing

University of Gothenburg

Anders Christensson


Professor, Chief Medical Officer


Region Skåne

Susanne Guidetti

Professor, Occupational Therapist

Region Stockholm

Ann Ekberg-Jansson

R&D Manager

Västra götalandsregionen

Magnus Janzon

Center manager, Senior Consultant

Region Östergötland

Håkan Olausson

Professor, Senior Consultant

Linköping University

Petri Olivius

R&D manager

Region Sörmland

Johan Sundström

Professor of Clinical Epidemiology

Uppsala University

Karin Wadell

Professor, Physiotherapy

Region Västerbotten



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Contact scientific councils, councils and committees


  1. – for news and communication about research publishes news about research from Swedish universities, research institutes, and research organisations. The Swedish Research Council coordinates the development of, and the editorial team is based at our offices.

  2. New research collaboration with USA on 6G, quantum technology, AI and other areas

    The Swedish Research Council and Vinnova have signed a five year declaration of intent with the US National Science Foundation (NSF), which will facilitate research and innovation collaborations between Sweden and USA.

  3. Agreements completed with four publishers of open access journals

    Last autumn, the Swedish Research Council, Formas, Forte, and Vinnova made a focus decision to fund publishing using publishers that only produce journals with full open access. Agreements have now been entered into with four publishers.