Nordic visual arts education in transition

The Committee for Educational Sciences has, right from the outset in 2001, initiated a large number of overviews and surveys. The purpose has been to provide a stimulus for discussion about the area of educational science and also to provide further data on the basis of which the Committee can take strategic decisions. This overview presents Nordic research in the realm of visual arts education.

The pedagogy of art can be studied on the basis of knowledge of art or teaching. It can be described in terms of visual communication or visual culture. Professor Lars Lindström at Stockholm University, who is the editor of the overview, commences with several articles explaining the conceptual framework and the historical background. This is followed by overviews from the five Nordic countries on research topics between 1995 and 2006 or later. By way of conclusion there is a comprehensive bibliography of literature in the realm of visual arts education.


  1. How the 2024 funding year turned out

    This year, the Swedish Research Council received around 5 800 applications for research grants. 860 of these were awarded funding. In total, 4.55 billion SEK has been awarded to research at Swedish higher education institutions, and 2.81 billion SEK ...

  2. Reduced maximum amount for educational sciences grants 2025

    To enable more project grants to be awarded in educational sciences next year, the Swedish Research Council will be reducing the maximum grant amount that can be applied for.

  3. New members for two scientific committees at the Swedish Research Council

    The Swedish Research Council’s Board has appointed members to the Committee for Artistic Research and the Committee for Educational Sciences for the period 2025–2027. The mandate period is three years, and members may be reappointed for a further thr...