The Swedish Research Council´s guide to research infrastructure 2018
The Swedish Research Council’s guide to research infrastructure is a plan for how Swedish researchers within academia, public sector and industry are to access the most sophisticated research infrastructure in Sweden and other countries.
Research infrastructure refers to central or distributed research facilities, databases or large-scale resources for calculation, analysis and modelling.
This is our guidebook to Sweden’s long-term need for national and international research infrastructure. It provides documentation for discussions about funding future infrastructures within the Swedish Research Council, but also in consultation with other research funding bodies nationally and internationally.
The Swedish Research Council published the first edition of the guide in 2006. It has been supplemented with updated editions in 2008, 2011 and 2014.
There is also an appendix to our guide to research infrastructure 2018: Results of needs inventory
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Published 22 January 2025
The Swedish Research Council is extending the collaboration agreement on the neutron source ISIS, to safeguard access to neutron scattering resources for Swedish researchers.
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Published 21 January 2025
In Australia and South Africa, telescopes are being built that when completed will be the most powerful in the world. Sweden has now signed a convention on membership of SKAO, the organisation behind the telescopes.
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Published 14 January 2025
The first node of the emerging EOSC federation was launched in fall 2024. The node will supply research data and other resources. This webinar is about the EOSC EU node and how you may use it.