The role of external funding in Swedish higher education research

This report is an account of the role that external research funding in general and funding from the Swedish Research Council in particular, play for research in Sweden.

Conclusions are drawn from a case study of six research-oriented departments within five research areas at large Swedish universities. Its focus is on the department level as it is on this level that financing from the direct government appropriations for research and third cycle education interplays with external research funding from multiple sources. The case study comprises documentation of research activities at the departments, their economy and personnel and interviews with heads of departments and economy/administrative personnel.

A review that compares the third party funding from government sources in Sweden with that in Denmark, the Netherlands and Switzerland, complements the case study.


  1. Updated methods for the use of official personnel statistics

    Official personnel statistics for the higher education sector have in recent years become ever worse at capturing who is awarded a doctoral degree. This information is central for the Swedish Research Council’s research policy analyses. For this reas...

  2. The Swedish Research Council participates in collaboration on the publishing platform Open Research Europe (ORE)

    Ten European research funding and performing organisations in Europe are uniting to fund the publication platform Open Research Europe (ORE), among them the Swedish Research Council, Formas, and Forte. The collaboration means that researchers in the ...

  3. How the 2024 funding year turned out

    This year, the Swedish Research Council received around 5 800 applications for research grants. 860 of these were awarded funding. In total, 4.55 billion SEK has been awarded to research at Swedish higher education institutions, and 2.81 billion SEK ...