Closed call
13 April - 24 May 2016
Research project grant: Sustainability and resilience – Tackling climate and environmental changes
The aim of this grant is to allow researchers the freedom to identify the research idea, methods and implementation steps, and to solve a specific research task within a limited period of time. This call is jointly funded by the Swedish Research Council and Sida through the development aid funds provided by the government, and the research appropriations to Formas. Funded research must be of relevance to poverty reduction and sustainable development in low income countries. The project must include at least one researcher from a low-income or lower middle-income country. Relevant research of the highest quality in all scientific disciplines is supported.
Type of call
Project support
Subject area
Development Research
Sustainability and resilience – Tackling climate and environmental changes
Individual researcher
Participating researchers
At least one and up to six researchers may be invited to join the application.
Grant period
1-3 years
Grant amount
Minimum 300,000 SEK per year, maximum 2,000,000 SEK per year
Publication of grant award
No later than mid-November 2016
Start of grant period
December 2016
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