Closed call
14 September - 21 November 2017
Research project grant Röntgen-Ångström Cluster
The Röntgen-Ångström Cluster (RÅC) is a Swedish-German research collaboration within structuralbiology and material sciences. The aim of the grant is to strengthen research in materials scienceand structural biology that uses neutron and/or synchrotron/free-electron-laser radiation and tostimulate the use and/or development of expertise in large-scale research infrastructures currentlyavailable or being planned in the geographic area.
The Swedish Research Council’s grant aims to give researchers the opportunity to do research withsignificant scope and depth. Framework grants can give strong research groups the freedom to actwithin relatively generous frameworks regarding funding and choice of research direction. TheSwedish Research Council supports basic research of high quality in all scientific disciplines andpromotes research cooperation and exchange of experiences.
Please note:The following instructions are (unless otherwise stated) addressed to the Swedish applicant(researcher based on a Swedish university or other research institution), also called project leader. The German applicant (collaborating researcher based on a German university or other research institution), also called international project leader, should turn to Projektträger DESY for information on how toapply in the German application system.
Type of call
Project support
Subject area
Medicine and Health, Research infrastructure, Natural and Engineering Sciences
Röntgen-Ångström Cluster
Individual researcher
Participating researchers
At least one and up to six researchers may be invited to join the application. One of these is the German applicant/international project leader.
Grant period
1-4 years
Grant amount
Minimum 400 000 SEK per year, maximum 2 000 000 SEK per year
Publication of grant award
No later than March 2018
Start of grant period
January 2018
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