Closed call

27 March - 08 May 2018

Proof of concept within life sciences

The purpose of the grant is to bridge the gap between basic research and commercialisation of research results within the Life Sciences area. The proof of concept grant offers persons who are receiving or have received a grant from the Swedish Research Council the opportunity to further develop their research results. This is done by deepening the scientific or technical verification of the results, and carrying out activities to prepare for innovation or commercialisation.

The Swedish Research Council will support projects involving the development of methods or products for treatment, prevention and diagnosis, and where the suitability and usability of the method or product is verified.

Type of call

Project support

Subject area

Medicine and Health, Natural and Engineering Sciences


Life Sciences


Individual researcher

Participating researchers

Up to six researchers may be invited to join the application

Grant period

1 year (2018)

Grant amount

Minimum 400 000 SEK per year, maximum 1 500 000 SEK per year

Publication of grant award

No later than the beginning of November 2018


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