Closed call
10 April - 22 May 2018
Research project grant for research collaboration between China and Sweden
The aim of the grant is to support the development of long-term basic research collaboration between Swedish and Chinese researchers.
The Sino-Swedish Joint Research Programme was initiated in order to promote collaboration between researchers from Sweden and China as well as supporting research of the highest scientific quality. The programme has a long term perspective where calls for network grants in 2016 now are followed by calls for project grants. The grants are financed by the Swedish Research Council in Sweden and the National Natural Science foundation of China (NSFC) in China on the principal of reciprocity and parity.
The Swedish Research Council and NSFC will have joint administration of the call and make a joint decision by using a panel consisting of both Swedish and Chinese evaluators.
Type of call
Project support
Subject area
Natural and Engineering Sciences
Applications concern joint research collaborations between China andSweden within any or both of the two sub focuses Biotechnology andNew energy.
Individual researcher
Participating researchers
Individual researcher active in Sweden in collaboration with a researcher active in China.
Grant period
3 years
Grant amount
1 000 000 SEK (Swedish part) per year and 1 000 000 CNY (Chinese part) per year and collaboration project.
Publication of grant award
No later than the end of November 2018
Start of grant period
January 2019
The call has closed, and the text is only available for downloading. Please note that the links in the document are no longer working.