Closed call
23 January - 26 February 2019
Conference grant
Spring call
The purpose of the grant is to promote international research collaboration and exchange of experience. Conference grants are a way of giving researchers active in Sweden the opportunity to arrange a conference with internationally recognised speakers.
The grant covers travel and accommodation costs for invited speakers working outside Sweden.
Support form
Research environment and collaboration support
Humanities and Social Sciences, Artistic Research, Medicine and Health, Natural and Engineering Sciences, Educational Sciences
Individual researcher
Participating researchers
No participating researchers can be invited to join the application.
Grant period
The conference shall take place during the period 26 June 2019 to 26 February 2020; that is 4–12 months after the closing date of this call.
Grant amount
Minimum 30 000 SEK and maximum 200 000 SEK
Publication of grant award
No later than end of May 2019
Please note:
- Please read and follow the instructions: In addition to this specific call text, you also need to read our Guide for applicants Opens in new window..
- Please do not state your own or another person’s full personal identity number in the application.
- No extension of the availability period for conference grants awarded is possible, and the conference shall therefore take place within the timeframe set.
- Read more about grants awarded in previous years: Conference grants awarded during autumn 2018 Opens in new window.
Call text in full
The following requirements must be fulfilled in order for you to be eligible to apply for the grant. We carry out checks to ensure ineligible applications are rejected from further processing.
The applicant for a conference grant must be an individual researcher. You shall be the project leader and have scientific responsibility for the conference. You must hold a Swedish doctoral degree or a corresponding foreign degree, awarded no later than the deadline for this call. The degree award date we use is the date you fulfilled all the requirements for a doctoral degree, such as mandatory courses, oral defence and an approved doctoral thesis. For applicants with Swedish doctoral degrees, the award date listed in Ladok applies.
For applicants within the area of artistic research, the requirement of a doctoral degree does not apply. On the other hand, a degree from an artistic higher education institution or other corresponding competence is required.
Grants from the Swedish Research Council shall be administered by a Swedish university or HEI or another Swedish public organisation that fulfils our criteria for administrating organisations Opens in new window.. Your organisation must therefore be approved as an administrating organisation for you to apply.
If you are awarded a grant, you must be employed by the administrating organisation as from 1 May 2019 up to and including the date the conference takes place, unless the Swedish Research Council allows an exception. The employment must equal at least 20 per cent of a full-time equivalent.
Number of applications and previous grants
You can only be awarded one conference grant per year. Only one application per call can be submitted for each individual conference, and each individual conference can only be awarded one single grant. There are no limitations in terms of other grants you may hold or apply for simultaneously with the conference grant.
Note: If you have been the project leader for previous grants from the Swedish Research Council that have ended, a final financial statement for all of these must have been submitted within the permitted time frame in order for you to apply for a new grant. Please contact your administrating organisation if you are unsure whether all your final reports have been submitted.
Participating researchers
You can not invite any participating researchers in this application.
Costs and grant amounts
The conference grant relates only to travel and accommodation costs for a limited number (maximum ten) invited speakers active outside Sweden. The grant is not awarded for other participants, administration or social security costs. Flights and train travel should normally be in economy class or corresponding.
You may apply for a minimum of 30 000 SEK and a maximum of 200 000 SEK, including indirect costs.
The Swedish Research Council assumes that the administrating organisation will cover any costs in excess of the amount received.
Grant period
The conference shall take place during the period 26 June 2019 to 26 February 2020; that is 4–12 months after the closing date of this call. The entire grant amount will be paid during 2019, irrespective of when the conference takes place. Payment will be made during June 2019 at the earliest. The funds are available up to and including 30 June 2020 however.
Note: No extension of the availability period will be approved.
Other conditions for the conference
The conference shall
- have internationally recognised researchers active outside Sweden as speakers, of which at least 40 per cent should be women and at least 40 per cent should be men
- be arranged in Sweden
- be aimed at the research community
- be of medium size; that is have 50–200 participants (including speakers)
- take place during the period 26 June 2019 to 26 February 2020; that is 4–12 months after the closing date of this call.
If the conference is arranged in conjunction/association with another research-focused event, the delimitation from this event shall be clearly stated.
Please note that the Swedish Research Council’s logo may not be used in conjunction with a conference awarded a grant by us. Only the name of the Swedish Research Council may be stated.
Please refer to the application form in Prisma in parallel with reading the instructions below, which describe the call-specific content of the application. More information on what to do in practical terms is available in our Guide for applicants Opens in new window.
The application may be written in Swedish or English.
Sections of the application
The application form includes the following tabs:
- Descriptive information
- Description of the conference
- Budget and research resources
- Administrating organisation
- Participants (only administrators in this call)
- CV
Descriptions of the call-specific information requested under each tab follow below. Mandatory information is marked with an asterisk (*) in Prisma.
Descriptive information
Short description of the conference
The short description of the conference shall include a brief description of the following:
- the name and place of the planned conference
- the date of the conference (year-month-day)
- the justification for the conference
- the internet address of the conference
Subject area
Mark the subject area to which your application relates.
Description of the conference
The description shall be brief but clear, and shall cover a maximum of four page-numbered A4 pages in Arial, font size 11, single line spacing, including references and any images.
The following information must be included in the description under separate headings, listed in the following order:
- Scientific description: Describe the scientific content of the conference.
- Significance: Describe the significance of the conference to the research area. It shall be clearly shown how the conference will benefit the research community and how it promotes international research collaboration and exchange of experience.
- Scientific novelty: Describe how the conference contributes to innovation within the research area.
- Participants: State the expected number of participants and how large a proportion of them are from Sweden.
- Invited speakers: Name the invited speakers and state briefly their current research activities and scientific merits. State the role(s) and the space allocated to each of the invited speakers (time, any other activities) and whether they have accepted their participation in the conference. Please also state the proportion of men and women respectively among the speakers (at least 40 per cent should be of each gender).
- Programme: State the date of the conference and the preliminary programme, showing the amount of time allocated to each of the speakers.
- Dissemination activities: State how the experiences from the conference will be disseminated.
- Scientific committee: Present briefly the persons included in the scientific committee of the conference.
- Website: If there is no website, please state the reasons for this.
Budget and research resources
State the travel and accommodation costs for invited speakers active outside Sweden. The following guidelines apply for the costs:
- Travel
Within Europe: maximum 7 000 SEK/person
From North America and Africa: maximum 12 000 SEK/person
From Asia, Australia, New Zealand, and South and Central America: maximum 17 000 SEK/person
- Accommodation
Maximum 1 700 SEK per night/person
Total cost of the conference
Prisma will automatically add up your budget items listed in a table. The total amount you are applying for shall also include any indirect costs. You will have to add these to the table yourself. The administrating organisation’s rules for indirect costs are the ones you shall apply. If your administrating organisation does not apply indirect costs for this type of grant, please state 0 SEK in the table. In the column “Other costs”, you can also add any additional costs covered by the conference (for which you are not seeking funding under this call).
Please contact your HEI for information on what constitutes indirect and direct costs.
Justification of the budget applied for
Justify briefly each cost applied for in the budget stated. The description may cover a maximum of 2 000 characters including blank spaces (approximately half an A4 page in Arial, font size 11, single line spacing).
Other funding
Describe any other financing for the conference (applied for or granted) besides what you are applying for from the Swedish Research Council. Here you can also state any income from participant fees. Please state rounded amounts in SEK.
Administrating organisation
Please state the administrating organisation and project site.
Here you as applicant may invite participating administrators to your application. Please note that participating researchers may not be invited in this application.
Under this tab, please upload your relevant CV information from your personal account in Prisma.
The following information, where available, must always be included in your CV, taking into account the stated limitation in numbers:
- Education: First, second and third cycle higher education and specialist degrees.
- Work: Current employment (including employment form) and longer relevant employment, postdoctoral visits (also included as employment if relevant), research exchanges relevant to the research described and any longer interruptions in the research that have impacted on your opportunity to gain merits as a researcher.
- Merits and awards: Docentships/associate professorships, supervisees (postdoctoral and doctoral students; state the overall number of each category and list the 10 most relevant to you), up to 10 of your most relevant grants awarded in competition, up to 10 of your most relevant prizes and awards, and up to 20 other merits relevant to the application.
- Intellectual property rights: For example, patents and open access computer programs developed by you; state up to 10 of your most relevant.
Scientific quality is the fundamental criterion when the Swedish Research Council allocates grants to research. Your application is evaluated in competition with the other applications on the basis of the following evaluation criteria.
The application is evaluated on how the conference would promote international research collaboration and exchange of experience, to what extent the conference would contribute to innovation in the research area, and what scientific significance it would have.
Evaluation process
Your application is evaluated by a review panel where the members are Swedish researchers. The panel members are active researchers from the areas of natural and engineering sciences, medicine and health, humanities and social sciences, educational sciences and artistic research.
Review panel Opens in new window.
At least two members review and grade your application individually. In case a panel member has a conflict of interest and fewer than two members are able to evaluate the application, it will also be evaluated by an external reviewer. The entire review panel then meets at a review panel meeting to discuss and prioritise the applications, and finally to make a proposal for a decision to the Director General.
The applications receive a final statement consisting of an overall grade.
Evaluation criteria and guiding questions
The evaluation of the scientific quality of your application is made based on three criteria – Novelty and originality, Scientific quality, and an Overall grade from the above mentioned criteria. The criteria are assessed on a seven-grade scale.
For each criterion, there are guiding questions to support the panel members’ evaluation of your application. These can also function as guidance for you when you write your application.
Novelty and originality (1–7)
Guiding questions:
- To what extent and in what way does the conference promote innovation within the research area (such as use and implementation of new and existing methods, ways of approaching theoretical and scientific questions)?
Scientific quality (1–7)
Guiding questions:
- Is the purpose clearly stated?
- What is the expected scientific impact of the conference?
- Are the invited speakers, active outside Sweden, recognised researchers with high-level scientific competence?
- How are invited speakers given the space to contribute with their expertise in addition to their lectures?
- Is the dissemination of the scientific contribution of the conference ensured?
Overall grade (1–7)
The above subsidiary criteria are weighed together into an overall grade, which reflects the review panel’s joint evaluation of the application’s scientific quality.
Guiding questions:
- What is the overall evaluation of the expected scientific and international gain from the conference?