Closed call
03 April - 15 May 2019
Visiting researcher programme within climate and environment
The visiting researcher programme within climate and environment gives Swedish HEIs the opportunity to receive visiting researchers from the USA. The programme is open for several disciplines. The purpose of the visiting researcher programme is to strengthen Swedish research in the area through collaboration with prominent US researchers, but also to contribute to international climate and environmental research. The visiting researcher programme is a Government mandate, and the call is issued in collaboration with Formas (Swedish Research Council for Environment, Agricultural Sciences and Spatial Planning) and the Swedish Energy Agency. This is one of two planned calls, where the next call will open in 2020, with a grant period covering 2021–2022.
Support form
Research environment and collaboration support
Humanities and Social Sciences, Medicine and Health, Natural and Engineering Sciences, Educational Sciences, Development Research
Climate and environment
Organisation. A representative of the host organisation shall be invited to be the project leader for the application.
Grant period
6–24 months
Grant amount
For visits lasting 6 months, the grant amount for the visiting researcher is maximum 1 000 000 SEK. In addition to this, project-related costs of maximum 100 000 SEK may be applied for.
For visits lasting between 7 and 24 months, the grant amount for the visiting research is maximum 2 000 000 SEK per year, and the amount for project-related costs is maximum 200 000 SEK per year.
Call deadline
15 May 2019 (14.00/2 p.m.)
Publication of grant award
No later than the beginning of November 2019
Start of grant period
No earlier than January 2020.
Please note:
- Please read and follow the instructions: In addition to this specific call text, you also need to read our Guide for applicants Opens in new window..
- The researcher recruited shall be established in the USA at the time of application, that is to say employed, living and conducting research there.
Call text in full
The following requirements must be fulfilled in order for the organisation to be duly qualified to apply for the grant. We carry out checks to ensure unqualified applications are rejected from further processing.
Focus and proposed visiting researcher
To comply with the international undertakings in the Paris Agreement and the UN’s Agenda 2030, as well as the Swedish goal to have no net emissions of greenhouse gases by 2045, knowledge is needed of both climate systems and also technical and societal challenges. The Swedish Research Council has been mandated by the Swedish Government to establish a visiting researcher programme within the climate and environment field together with Formas and the Swedish Energy Agency, aimed at building up international research collaboration to promote the development of such knowledge. The purpose is to strengthen Swedish research in the area through collaboration with prominent US researchers, but also to contribute to international climate and environmental research. Within the framework of the programme, Swedish higher education institutions (HEIs) are given better opportunities to receive prominent visiting researchers from USA who are active within the climate and environment field, and the programme is thus open to all relevant disciplines.
The proposed researcher shall be established in USA at the time of application, that is to say employed, living and conducting research there, and be at a career age beyond postdoc level or corresponding. The researcher must also be aware of the nomination and of what acceptance of the grant awarded entails. If the proposed candidate declines to accept the visiting researcher stay, the HEI cannot nominate a replacement.
The visiting researcher awarded the grant shall be employed by the administrating organisation throughout the visit.
The Swedish Research Council plans to issue a further call within the visiting researcher programme in 2020, where the grant period covers 2021–2022.
The applicant for the grant shall be a Swedish HEI or other Swedish public agency that is approved as an administrating organisation Opens in new window. by the Swedish Research Council. The application shall include a named researcher (project leader), who represents the department or corresponding wishing to act as host for the visiting researcher. The project leader shall be employed by the administrating organisation at the start of and throughout the grant period and any further additional availability period, unless the Swedish Research Council approves an exception.
When the application is registered and signed in Prisma (see below), the HEI and the host department or corresponding undertake to be responsible for the local hosting and all practical arrangements associated with the visiting researcher’s visit to Sweden, if the visiting researcher grant is awarded.
Number of applications and previous grants
There is no limit to the number of applications a single organisation may submit. However, any individual candidate may only be proposed in one application.
Participating researchers
No participating researchers may be included in this application.
Costs and grant amounts
Funding may be applied for to fund the visiting researcher’s salary costs including social security contributions and insurance, rent of housing and travel between Sweden and USA. For a visiting researcher who will visit Sweden for 6 months, a grant of maximum 1 000 000 SEK including indirect costs may be applied for to cover these costs. For a visit lasting between 7 and 24 months, the maximum grant amount is 2 000 000 SEK per year including indirect costs.. Funds may also be applied for to cover costs relating to the research project the visiting researcher will be active within during the visit to Sweden. For a visit lasting between 7 and 24 months, a grant amounting to maximum 200 000 SEK including indirect costs may be applied for per year. For visits lasting 6 months, the maximum amount is 100 000 SEK.
The Swedish Research Council assumes that the administrating organisation as the employer responsible will cover any excess costs, such as additional project-related costs. The costs the administrating organisation will be responsible for shall also be reported in the budget section of the application.
Grants may not be used for scholarships.
Grant period
The visit to Sweden shall last no less than 6 months, and no longer than two years. The intention is that the visit, and thereby the research project, shall be continuous. If, despite this, there is a need to divide up the visit into more than one research period, this shall be stated clearly in the application, as shall the reason why. The visit may however not be divided up in such a way that it cannot be completed within the availability period of the grant.
The visiting researcher shall start during 2020. The first payment will be made no earlier than December 2019.
Please refer to the application form in Prisma in parallel with reading the instructions below, which describe the call-specific contents of the application. More information on what to do in practical terms is available in our Guide for applicants Opens in new window..
Foreign experts are involved in the scientific evaluation of the applications. To ensure fair and equitable assessment and efficient processing, please therefore complete your application in English.
Sections of the application
The application form includes the following tabs:
- Descriptive information
- Research description
- Proposed visiting researcher
- Budget and research resources
- Administrating organisation
- Participants (only administrators in this call)
Descriptive information
Under this tab, please state the following information, and also the name of the proposed researcher, their current HEI and country as project title (such as “Anna Smith, University of xx, USA”), and project period (the length of the visit in number of months) and classifications (Statistics Sweden codes and key words) for the research that will be conducted within the framework for the visiting researcher stay.
The abstract shall include a brief description of the following:
- name, university and country of the proposed researcher
- time (dates) for the visit
- brief justification for the visit
- planned programme.
The description may cover a maximum of 1 500 characters including blank spaces (approximately one third of an A4 page in Arial, font size 11, single line spacing).
Research description
Ethical considerations
Describe the ethical issues raised by the research. Also describe the plan on how to address ethical dilemmas that may arise. Please justify why the research should be carried out against the background of the ethical issues identified. How do the questions and expected results measure up in relation to the ethical issues? Please also state whether the research involves any handling of personal data, or experiments on animals or human subjects. If no ethical issues are raised, please justify this.
Research programme
The research programme shall consist of brief but complete information, and shall cover a maximum of 8 page-numbered A4 pages in Arial, font size 11, single line spacing, including references and any images.
The research programme must include the following headings and information, listed in the following order:
- The researcher and their research: Present the proposed researcher and their research.
- Justification: Justify the visiting researcher’s visit.
- Contribution to research: Describe how the visiting researcher may contribute to the development of both the activities of the host department and Swedish research in general within the area in question.
- Research project: Describe the type of research the visiting researcher will be conducting at the host department, and whether it is part of a larger ongoing research project or a newly started project.
- Plan for department participation: Specify the planning of the visiting researcher’s participation at the host department and other departments in the country.
Proposed visiting researcher
Please state the following:
- the name, title, current position and workplace for the proposed visiting researcher
- the competency the visiting researcher is expected to bring to the host department
- the length of the visit, and whether it is divided up and, if so, how
- the department(s) or corresponding where the visiting research will be active, and the name of the representative (head of department or corresponding) of the department(s).
The proposed visiting researcher’s CV
Please attach a brief CV with full address details (including email address) and current position of the proposed visiting researcher. The CV shall cover a maximum of 3 page-numbered A4 pages in Arial, font size 11, single line spacing.
It shall include the following headings, in the following order (leave any heading that is not applicable blank):
- Higher education qualification(s): Year, subject and HEI.
- Doctoral degree: Year, discipline/subject, HEI, title of the thesis and supervisor.
- Postdoctoral positions: Year and location.
- Qualification required for appointment as a docent: Year.
- Current position: Appointment period, percentage of research in the employment.
- Previous positions and periods of appointment: Type of employment and appointment periods.
- Interruption in research: Here any longer interruptions in the active research time after the doctoral degree that has impacted on the ability to earn merits may be accounted for. Please state the scope of each interruption.
- Supervision: Doctors and postdocs for whom the researcher has been the main supervisor; names and years.
- Grants awarded in competition: Please state relevant grants; funding body, year, type of grant.
- Other merits of relevance to the application
The proposed visiting researcher’s publication list
Please attach a publication list drawn up according to the headings and information below. The list shall cover a maximum of 5 page-numbered A4 pages in Arial, font size 11, single line spacing.
Please sort the publications under each heading in reverse chronological order, so that the latest publication is at the top of the list. Please only include articles or corresponding that are published or accepted for publication at the time of applying. The author order shall be identical to that of the published work. The application cannot be supplemented with publications after the deadline for the call.
1. Selection of publications: List the maximum 10 publications of greatest importance to the application. The name of the proposed visiting researcher shall be marked in bold in the author list.
2. Relevant publications from the last 8 years: Sort the publications, with the proposed visiting researcher’s name highlighted in bold in the author list, under each heading (publication type) in the following order:
- Peer-reviewed original articles
- Peer-reviewed conference contributions, the results of which are not included in other publications.
- Peer-reviewed edited volumes
- Research review articles
- Peer-reviewed books and book chapters
- Patents: Please state date of registration
- Open access computer programs or databases the proposed person has developed
- Other publications including popular science books/presentations
Please note that no CV data or publications shall be entered elsewhere in the application.
Budget and research resources
Please state the salary applied for for the proposed visiting researcher (select the role “participating researcher” in the table), both as a percentage of a full-time salary and as actual annual amounts (including social security contributions and insurance). Please state rounded amounts in SEK.
Running costs
State the costs for the proposed visiting researcher’s rental of housing, insurance and travel to and from USA on separate lines. Describe also any project-related costs linked to the visit (according to amount limits under “Budget and research resources” above). Please state rounded annual amounts.
Total cost of the visiting researcher
Prisma will automatically add up the budget items listed in a table. The total amount applied for shall also include indirect costs. These shall be added to the table by the project leader according to the calculations that apply for the HEI. In the column “Other costs”, the applicant shall also add here any further research-related costs arising from the visiting researcher’s stay (for which funding is not sought in this application but instead covered by the administrating organisation).
Justification of the budget applied for
Justify briefly each cost applied for in the budget stated. The description may cover a maximum of 4 000 characters including blank spaces (approximately one A4 page in Arial, font size 11, single line spacing).
Administrating organisation
Please state the site of the visiting researcher’s stay.
Here the person invited to be the project leader for the application may invite participating administrators, who can help to input and edit information in the application. Please note that participating researchers may not be invited in this application.
Scientific quality is the fundamental criterion when the Swedish Research Council allocates grants to research. Your application is evaluated in competition with the other applications on the basis of the following evaluation criteria.
Evaluation process
The assessment of the applications considers the proposed visiting researcher’s scientific merits and position internationally together with the relevance for the call, especially regarding how well the visiting researcher can contribute to the development of the research at the host institution and to Swedish research in general in the scientific field.
Your application is evaluated by a review panel where the members are international researchers. At least three members review and grade your application individually. If necessary, statements from external experts may also be obtained. The entire review panel then meets at a review panel meeting to discuss and prioritise the applications, and finally to make a proposal for a decision to the Scientific council for Natural and Engineering Sciences.
Review panels Opens in new window.
Depending on the number of applications, sifting could be applied in the review process, where a certain proportion of the applications with the lowest grades from the members’ individual reviews are screened out in the beginning of the review panel meeting. These applications will not be the subject of discussion, which gives room for more detailed discussion and prioritisation of the applications of higher quality, which have a reasonable chance of being funded. The applications screened out only receive an overall grade and a standardised final statement after the decision is made. The other applications receive an individual final statement that reflects the review panel’s discussion and overall assessment of the application.
Evaluation criteria and guiding questions
The evaluation of the scientific merits and position internationally of the visiting researcher as well as the relevance to the call is assessed on a seven-grade scale. In addition, the feasibility is also evaluated on a three-grade scale. The purpose of using several components is to achieve a multi-faceted evaluation.
For each criterion, there are guiding questions to support the panel members’ evaluation of your application. These can also function as guidance for you when you write your application.
Scientific merit and position internationally of the visiting researcher (1–7)
The merits of the proposed visiting researcher is assessed in relation to the visiting researcher’s stage of career and active time for research.
Guiding questions:
- How significant are the scientific merits of the visiting researcher in relation to the suggested research project?
- How significant are the academic achievements, the impact and other qualifications of the visiting researcher from a national and international perspective seen in relation to the research area and the applicant´s career age?
- Do the merits of the visiting researcher display a distinct and independent line of research that can contribute to the development of the scientific field in Sweden
- Has the visiting researcher shown ability to successfully disseminate research findings?
Relevance to the call: motivation for the expected contribution of the visiting researcher (1–7)
Applications financed within the framework of the visiting researcher programme climate and environment shall be relevant based on the focus of the call.
Guiding questions:
- Is the visit a continuation of a previous collaboration or a start of a new collaboration and research project? Does the visiting researcher have a key role in the research project?
- Does the visiting researcher contribute with specialist competence not present in the research project and/or the host institution? Does the visit contribute to an interdisciplinary research environment?
- Does the visit contribute to defining new, compelling scientific questions within the scientific area of the call? Does the research project have the potential to substantially increase the knowledge within the scientific area of the call? (For example novel concepts or theories, new directions for research and advancement of the field).
- Does the visit have the potential to create lasting collaborations within the research area of the call?
- Is the research project in which the visiting researcher will take part scientifically significant? Does the project extend or challenge current understanding, opinion or practice in the advertised field?
- To what extent does the research project contribute to tackling global challenges relating to the scientific area of the call?
- How does the visit and proposed research strengthen Swedish research within the area of the call in a broad sense?
Feasibility (1–3)
Guiding questions:
- How well motivated is the stay of the guest researcher at the host institution? Is there a plan for the guest researcher’s participation and integration at the host institution?
- Is the arrangement around the visit, including time schedule, appropriate for the visiting researcher to participate and contribute to the research project?
- Is there a plan for the visiting researcher to participate in other activities and collaboration outside the host institution?
- Does the research project include the availability and accessibility of relevant personnel, skills, equipment, facilities/infrastructures and other necessary resources?
Overall grade (1–7)
The above subsidiary criteria are weighed together into an overall grade, which reflects the review panel’s joint evaluation of the application.