Closed call
15 January - 18 February 2020
Grant for activities within STEM subjects at national research infrastructures
The purpose of the call is to increase the interest of lower and upper secondary school pupils in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) by funding activities at national research infrastructures through ongoing grants from the Swedish Research Council.
The activities shall be designed to increase interest and encourage new groups of pupils to choose STEM subjects at upper secondary school and higher education level.
Support form: Infrastructure support
Subject area: Research infrastructure
Focus: STEM (Science, technology, engineering and mathematics)
Applicant: Organisation with an ongoing grant to research infrastructure of national interest from the Swedish Research Council. The coordinator of the activities shall be invited to be the project leader for the application
Participating researchers: No participating researchers may be invited to join the application.
Grant period: 1–2 years, with an option to extend for a further 1–2 years if invited by the Swedish Research Council.
Grant amount: Minimum 200 000 SEK per year, maximum 400 000 SEK per year
Budgetary framework: 1 000 000 SEK per year for 2 years
Start of grant period: 2020
Application period: 15 January 2020 (14.00/2 p.m.) – 18 February 2020 (14.00/2 p.m.)
Publication of grant award: No later than end of May 2020
Requirements and terms
Specific instructions for the call
In addition to reading the specific call text, you also need to consult our Guide for applicants.
The following requirements must be fulfilled in order for the organisation to be eligible to apply for the grant. We carry out checks, and reject applications that do not fulfil the requirements.
The grant shall be used to fund one or more activities within the operation of the research infrastructure aimed at lower and/or upper secondary school pupils. The purpose of the activities shall be to increase the pupils’ interest in the subjects science, technology, engineering and/or natural sciences (STEM), and lead to more persons applying for these subjects in higher education. The activities may be designed in various ways, depending on the preconditions at the research infrastructure, and we encourage including experimental and/or interactive elements.
The applicant shall be an approved administrating organisation Opens in new window. with (that is to say coordinates) an ongoing grant to research infrastructure of national interest from the Swedish Research Council. The ongoing grant must cover the entire grant period for the STEM subject activities grant applied for.
The application shall include one named project leader, who shall be the coordinator of the activities and responsible for planning, coordination and follow-up of the planned activities. The project leader/coordinator shall be employed by the administrating organisation at the start of and throughout the grant period and any further additional availability period, unless the Swedish Research Council approves an exception. The project leader/coordinator does not have to be employed at the time of applying.
The following research infrastructures are welcome to submit applications.
- BioMS – infrastructure within biological mass spectrometry
- BIS – Biobank Sweden
- DESIREE – Double ElectroStatic Ion Ring ExpEriment
- EISCAT – European Incoherent Scatter Scientific Association
- ESS – European Spallation Source
- ICOS – Integrated Carbon Observation System
- Ion Technology Consortium
- Myfab
- NBIS – National Bioinformatics Infrastructure Sweden
- NGI – National Genomics Infrastructure
- NMI – National infrastructure for microscopy within life sciences
- Nordsim/Vega
- Onsala
- Riksriggen
- SBDI - Swedish Biodiversity Data Infrastructure
- SITES – Swedish Infrastructure for Ecosystem Science
- SNIC/PRACE - Swedish Infrastructure for Computing
Number of applications and previous grants
The administrating organisation may submit several applications under the call, but only one application per national research infrastructure may be submitted.
Participating researchers
No participating researchers may be included in this application. Any participating partners and their roles shall be described in the activity plan (see instructions under “Activity plan” below).
Costs and grant amounts
The application may cover the funding of activities within the framework for the operation of the national research infrastructure. Grants must not be used for scholarships or research, or to fund the operation of the infrastructure.
The amount applied for may be for a maximum of 400 000 SEK per year, including indirect costs. The minimum amount you may apply for is 200 000 SEK per year.
The Swedish Research Council assumes that the administrating organisation will cover any costs in excess of the amount received.
Grant period
The grant may cover a minimum of 1 and a maximum of 2 years. The grant may be extended for an additional period. The amount may change for the extension period.
The first payment will be made no earlier than June 2020.
Please refer to the application form in Prisma in parallel with reading the instructions below, which describe the call-specific contents of the application. More information on what to do in practical terms is available in our Guide for applicants Opens in new window..
The application should be written in Swedish, but may also be in English.
Sections of the application
The application form includes the following tabs:
- Descriptive information
- Activity description
- Budget and resources
- Administrating organisation
- Participants (only administrators in this call)
- CV
The information requested under each tab is described below.
Descriptive information
The abstract shall include a brief description of the following:
- What activities are to be implemented?
- How will the activities be organised and implemented?
- What are the target groups?
- How do the activities aim to increase the pupils’ interest in the subjects science, technology, engineering and/or natural sciences (STEM)?
Please note that the abstracts for grants awarded are used when we inform about the research funded by the Swedish Research Council.
The description may cover a maximum of 1 500 characters including blank spaces. This is approximately 1/3 A4 page in Arial, font size 11, single line spacing.
Registration number
Please state the registration number (“diarienummer”) for the research infrastructure’s ongoing grant, which is linked to this application.
Activity description
The description shall detail the relevance of the activities for the purpose of the call; how the activities are designed to increase interest in STEM subjects and encourage new groups of pupils to choose these subjects at upper secondary school and higher education level.
The text may cover a maximum of 4 000 characters including blank spaces. This is approximately 1 A4 page in Arial, font size 11.
Activity plan
The activity plan shall consist of brief description of the activities planned, and shall cover a maximum of 3 page-numbered A4 pages in Arial, font size 11, single line spacing and 2.5 cm margins, including any references and images.
The activity plan must include the following headings and information, listed in the following order:
- Activities: Describe the activity or activities planned.
- Organisation: Describe which personnel will work with the activities and how the work will be done.
- Communication: Describe the target groups selected, and state the communication channels to be used to reach out to the target groups.
- Time plan: State the planned frequency and duration of each activity.
- Estimated outcome: State the number of lower and upper secondary pupils, and within which geographic area, you expect to reach for each planned activity.
Budget and resources
State the planned activity level (per cent of a full-time equivalent) of all personnel taking part in the activities, that is to say the project leader/coordinator and other personnel working with the activities.
Please also state the salary applied for, for the project leader/coordinator, research students or other personnel active within the framework for the activities, both as a percentage of a full-time salary and as actual annual amounts (including social security contributions). Please state the amounts in Swedish krona, rounded to the nearest 1 000 SEK.
Other costs
Describe other costs (for examples premises costs and running costs, such as travel and materials). Please state the amounts in Swedish krona, rounded to the nearest 1 000 SEK.
Depreciation costs for equipment to be used in the operation may be included, provided that
- the equipment has an economic life of at least three years
- the equipment has an acquisition value above a certain amount
- the need cannot be satisfied through use of national or international infrastructure supported by the Swedish Research Council and thereby open to all.
Only the proportion of depreciation costs that corresponds to the use of the equipment in the proposed operation may be included. Depreciation costs for equipment that is wholly financed via other grants may not be included. .
Total cost for the activities
Prisma will automatically add up the budget items listed in a table. The total amount applied for shall also include indirect costs. These shall be added to the table by the applicant. The applicant shall also add here any additional costs that the activities entail (for which funding is not sought under this call).
Justification of the budget applied for
Justify briefly each cost applied for in the budget stated. The description may cover a maximum of 4 000 characters including blank spaces. This is approximately 1 A4 page in Arial, font size 11, single line spacing.
Other funding
Please state any other funding (applied for or already awarded) for the activities over and above what is applied for in this application. Please state the amounts in Swedish krona, rounded to the nearest 1 000 SEK.
Administrating organisation
Please state the project site of the research infrastructure.
Here the person invited to be the project leader for the application may invite participating administrators. Please note that participating researchers may not be invited in this application.
- Work: Current employment (including whether it is permanent employment or not).
Your application is evaluated in competition with other applications based on the areas below. For each area, there are a number of guiding questions.
Evaluation process
An internal evaluation group review your application. At least three members review each application individually. All evaluators then meet at a review meeting to discuss and prioritise the applications, and finally to make a proposal for a decision to the Director General. Each application receives a decision with a motivation that reflects the discussion of the evaluation group.
Evaluation areas and guiding questions
The evaluation of the application is based on two areas (Feasibility and quality of the activity plan and Relevance for the call.) For each area, there are guiding questions to support the evaluation of your application. These can also function as guidance for you when you write your application.
Feasibility and quality of the activity plan
Guiding questions:
- To what extent is the budget coherent with the activity plan of the application?
- Has the applicant shown that the personnel has the competence to carry out the activities?
- Is the selection of the target groups reasonable for the proposed activities?
- Are the communication efforts well defined and realistic to reach the target groups?
- Is the design of the activity plan, including the time frame, realistic for implementing the proposed activities?
- To what extent is the activity plan's design and choice of approach reasonable for the activities' implementation and expected outcome?
Relevance for the call
Guiding questions:
- How are the activities considered to contribute to an increased interest in the subjects of science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) in lower and upper secondary school pupils?
- To what extent is the proposed activities aimed to attract new groups of students to choose STEM subjects in lower and upper secondary school pupils?