Closed call
14 April - 25 May 2021
Research collaboration Brazil-Sweden: Grant for researcher exchange
The Sweden-Brazil researcher exchange programme is a joint call between the Swedish Research Council and National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq) in Brazil. The program gives Swedish and Brazilian Research performing organisations (RPOs) the opportunity to exchange researchers for up to twelve months.
Support form:
Swedish Research Council: Project support
CNPq: Postdoc abroad
Subject area: Medicine and Health, Natural and Engineering Sciences
Focus: Brazil-Sweden: Emerging infectious diseases and the threat of antimicrobial resistance
Applicant: Individual researcher
Participating researchers: A minimum of 1 and a maximum of 7 researchers shall be invited to join the application. A representative of the Brazilian part of the researcher exchange shall be invited and designated as the International project leader, in the application.
Grant period: 2022
Grant amount:
Swedish applicant: 100 000 SEK/month and person up to maximum 1 200 000 SEK in total.
Brazilian applicant: 18 980 SEK/month and person, up to maximum 227 760 SEK in total. Plus expenses.
Start of grant period: January 2022
Application period: April 14 2021 (14.00/2 p.m. Swedish time and 9.00/9 p.m. Brasilia time) – May 25 2021 (14.00/2 p.m. Swedish time and 9.00/9 p.m. Brasilia time)
Publication of grant award: No later than November
Specific instructions for the call
In addition to reading the call text, you also need to consult our Guide for applicants.
The following requirements must be fulfilled in order for you to be eligible to apply for the grant. The Swedish Research Council and CNPq carry out checks, and reject applications that do not fulfil the requirements.
From global health and economic perspectives, infectious diseases and antimicrobial resistance constitute significant global challenges. The call aims at stimulating basic as well as pre-clinical and clinical collaborative projects in the field of infectious diseases caused by viruses or bacteria and research around resistance of pathogenic microorganisms to antimicrobial medicines. Research should focus on diagnosis, treatment or vaccine development for infectious diseases or strategies to prevent the development and transmission of infections caused by antimicrobial resistance.
Swedish applicant:
The formal applicant for the researcher exchange grant must be the Swedish project leader in a joint research collaboration application with a project leader in Brazil. You shall be the project leader and have scientific responsibility for the exchange together with the international project leader from Brazil. The time you set aside for the project (your activity level that is the percentage of a full-time equivalent) must be suited to the task and its implementation throughout the grant period.
You must hold a Swedish doctoral degree or an equivalent foreign degree, awarded no later than the deadline for this call. The degree award date we use is the date you fulfilled all the requirements for a doctoral degree, such as mandatory courses, oral defence and an approved doctoral thesis. For applicants with Swedish doctoral degrees, the award date listed in Ladok applies.
Grants from the Swedish Research Council shall be administered by a Swedish university or HEI or another Swedish organisation that fulfils our criteria for administrating organisations Opens in new window.. Your organisation must therefore be approved as an administrating organisation for you to apply. The administrating organisation must sign your application in Prisma no later than 7 calendar days after the deadline for this call.
If you are awarded a grant, you must be employed by the administrating organisation at the start of and throughout the grant period and any additional availability period, unless the Swedish Research Council approve an exception from this requirement. The employment must equal at least 20 per cent of a full-time equivalent. You do not have to be employed by the administrating organisation at the time of applying.
Brazilian applicant:
The Brazilian applicant is a project leader taking part in a joint research collaboration application with a project leader in Sweden and shall be invited and designated as the international project leader in the application.
Participating researchers from Brazil must adhere to the regulations presented by CNPq in the terms for Postdoc abroad scholarship (PDE - pós-doutorado no exterior) External link, opens in new window..
General information
When the application is registered and signed in Prisma (the Swedish Research Council’s application system), the HEIs/Research institutes and the departments or corresponding undertake to be responsible for the local hosting and all practical arrangements associated with the Brazilian researcher’s visit to Sweden or the Swedish researcher’s visit to Brazil, if the researcher exchange grant is awarded. Please note that “Swedish” and “Brazilian” in this call refer to the researcher’s country of affiliation and not nationality.
The funders require reciprocity in the exchange program, meaning that Brazilian researchers visit Sweden and that Swedish researchers visit Brazil within the framework of the same application.
Number of applications and previous grants
Swedish Research Council
What grants may I apply for simultaneously from the Swedish Research Council?
You may only participate in one single application under this call, as either applicant or participating researcher. There are no other restrictions regarding applying for other grants during the same year.
What requirements apply if I already have a grant from the Swedish Research Council?
You can apply for a project grant within the Sweden-Brazil researcher exchange programme even if you are already a project leader for an ongoing project grant.
Note: If you have been the project leader for previous grants from the Swedish Research Council that have ended, final financial reports for all of these must have been submitted within the permitted time frame in order for you to apply for a new grant. Please contact your administrating organisation if you are unsure whether all your final financial reports have been submitted.
What applies for applications to or grants from other funding bodies?
If your application to the Swedish Research Council relates to the same project concept as a grant you have already been awarded by, or are applying for to another funding body, please describe this.
See terms for Postdoc abroad scholarship (PDE - pós-doutorado no exterior) External link, opens in new window..
Participating researchers
You shall include minimum 1 and maximum 7 participating researchers in the application. Participating researchers are other researchers with a doctoral degree, taking active part in the researcher exchange programme. Participating researchers shall be active at a Swedish HEI, and a Brazilian HEI or research institute. No more than 4 researchers from either side (Sweden or Brazil) can take part in the exchange programme, including the applicants/project leaders. The research stays can overlap, run simultaneous or be “one at a time”, depending on what benefit’s the proposed collaboration the most.
A representative of the Brazilian part of the researcher exchange shall be invited and designated as the International project leader, in the application.
Participating researchers from Brazil must adhere to the regulations presented by CNPq in the terms for Postdoc abroad scholarship (PDE - pós-doutorado no exterior) External link, opens in new window..
Participating researchers shall provide the necessary information themselves in Prisma, and upload these to the application. Their roles in the exchange programme shall be described in the research collaboration plan (please see instructions under “Research collaboration plan” below).
Costs and grant amounts
Costs relating to the Brazilian researchers will be funded by CNPq, and costs relating to the Swedish researchers will be funded by the Swedish Research Council. The grant amount is based on the total number of “person months” applied for, regardless of whether they are simultaneous (several researchers travelling at the same time), or consecutive.
The application may cover a maximum of 12 person months for Swedish researchers, and a maximum of 12 person months for Brazilian researchers. Each participating researcher in the application, whether Swedish or Brazilian, shall spend a minimum of 3 months in the other country.
Funds from the Swedish Research Council
The grant may be used for the following project-related costs:
- Salaries including social security contributions (including your own salary), however no more than corresponding to the person’s activity level in the project
- Insurance
- Rent of housing in Brazil
- Travel costs between Sweden and Brazil
The funding from the Swedish Research Council must not be used for scholarships or research expenses.
The minimum amount you may apply for is 300 000 SEK (for 3 months of exchange), including indirect costs. The maximum amount you may apply for is 1 200 000 SEK (for 12 months of exchange).
Funds from CNPq
The monthly allowance will be 18 980 SEK. And additionally, the following costs are included in the Postdoc support.
- Travel cost between Brazil and Sweden
- Health insurance
- Moving costs up to 18 980 SEK will be covered.
The funders assume that the administrating organisations will cover any costs in excess of the amount received.
Grant period
The researcher exchange shall start during 2022 and end no later than the availability period for the grant (31 December 2023). The Swedish Research Council will make the first payment no earlier than December 2021 and will pay the full grant amount during 2021.
Please refer to the application form in Prisma in parallel with reading the instructions below, which describe the call-specific contents of the application. More information on what to do in practical terms is available in our Guide for applicants Opens in new window..
Foreign experts are involved in the scientific evaluation of the applications. To ensure fair and equitable assessment and efficient processing, please therefore complete the application in English.
Sections of the application
The application form includes the following tabs:
- Descriptive information
- Research description
- Budget
- CV (Brazilian researchers)
- Publications
- Letter of Support
- Administrating organisation
- Participants
- CV all researchers
The information we request under each tab is described below.
Descriptive information
The abstract shall include a brief description of the following:
- name, university and country of all the researchers proposed to take part in the exchange programme
- time (dates) for the visit/s
- relevance of the visit/s
- planned programme.
The abstract shall provide a summary picture of the research exchanges. Please use wording to ensure that persons with another subject specialisation can understand the information.
The description may cover a maximum of 1 500 characters including blank spaces. This is approximately one third of an A4 page in Arial, font size 11, single line spacing.
Research description
Ethical considerations
Describe the ethical issues raised by the research. Also describe the plan to address ethical dilemmas that may arise. Please justify why the research should be carried out against the background of the ethical issues identified. How do the questions and expected results measure up in relation to the ethical issues? Please also state whether the research involves any handling of personal data, or experiments on animals or human subjects. If no ethical issues are raised, please justify this.
The justification may cover a maximum of 4 000 characters including blank spaces. This is approximately one A4 page in Arial, font size 11, single line spacing.
Sex and gender perspectives
Please state whether sex and gender perspectives are applicable in your planned research, and justify your decision. Please note that we are not asking for information about the composition of the research team (men/women). Read more about sex and gender perspectives in research content Opens in new window..
The following applies:
- If you answer “Yes”: Justify your answer, and describe also how you account for sex and gender perspectives in the research plan (see further instructions under “Research plan”). If you have stated that sex and gender perspectives are applicable, but still choose not to include them in your research plan, you will need to justify this here.
- If you answer “No”, and thereby do not consider that sex and gender perspectives are applicable for your planned research, you do not need to justify your decision.
Research collaboration plan
The research collaboration plan shall consist of a brief but complete description of the researchers taking part in the exchange (both Swedish and Brazilian), the planned visits and the research projects (both Swedish and Brazilian) the visiting researchers will contribute to. It shall cover a maximum of 8 page-numbered A4 pages in Arial, font size 11, single line spacing and 2.5 cm margins, including references and any images.
The plan must include the following headings and information, listed in the following order:
- The researchers and their research: Present the visiting researchers and their research.
- the name, title, current position and workplace for the visiting researchers
- which competency the visiting researchers is expected to bring to the host departments
- details on the length of the visit, and whether it is divided up and, if so, how
- the department(s) or corresponding where the visiting researchers will be active, and the name of the representative (head of department or corresponding) of the department(s)
- Research project: Describe the type of research the visiting researchers will be conducting at the host departments, and whether it is part of a larger ongoing research project or a newly started project.
- Plan for department participation: Specify the planning of the visiting researcher’s participation at the host department and other departments in the receiving country.
Relevance for the call
Describe and motivate the expected contribution of the visiting researchers and how the described research relates to the focus of the call. See “how your application is assessed” for guiding questions.
Budget and research resources
The Swedish Research Council
For the Swedish part of the exchange, state how many person-months you are applying for.
Justification of the budget applied for
Describe briefly the primary costs you intend to cover within the framework for the grant budget. The description may cover a maximum of 4 000 characters including blank spaces. This is approximately one A4 page in Arial, font size 11, single line spacing.
For the Brazilian part of the exchange, state how many person-months you are applying for.
Here you shall attach the final budget submitted to the CNPq. The description may cover a maximum of 4 000 characters including blank spaces. This is approximately one A4 page in Arial, font size 11, single line spacing, and include the following information:
Running costs
State the costs for the nominated visiting researcher’s rental of housing, insurance and travel between Brazil and Sweden on separate lines. Describe also any project-related costs linked to the visit (according to amount limits under “Budget and research resources” above). Please state the amounts in Swedish krona, rounded to the nearest 1 000 SEK.
Justification of the budget applied for
Justify briefly each cost applied for in the budget stated. The description may cover a maximum of 4 000 characters including blank spaces. This is approximately one A4 page in Arial, font size 11, single line spacing.
CV (Brazilian researchers)
Please attach brief CVs with full address details (including email address) and current position
of all the Brazilian researchers participating in the exchange (Swedish participants shall use Prisma for entering CV’s). Each CV shall cover a maximum of 3 page-numbered A4 pages in Arial, font size 11, single line spacing and 2.5 cm margins. All the CV’s have to be merged into a single pdf-file.
The following headings shall be included, in the following order (leave any heading that is not applicable blank):
- Higher education qualification(s): Year, subject and HEI.
- Doctoral degree: Year, discipline/subject, HEI, title of the thesis and supervisor.
- Postdoctoral positions: Year and location.
- Qualification required for appointments as a docent: Year.
- Current position: Appointment period, percentage of research in the employment.
- Previous positions and periods of appointment: Type of employment and appointment periods.
- Interruption in research: Here you can account for any longer interruptions in the active research time after the doctoral degree that has impacted on the ability to gain merits. Please state the scope of each interruption.
- Supervision: PhD students and postdocs for whom the researcher has been the main supervisor; names and years.
- Grants awarded in competition: Please state relevant grants; funding body, year, type of grant.
- Other merits of relevance to the application
Publication lists (all participants in the exchange)
Attach all participating researchers’ (including the Swedish project leader’s) publications lists joined up into one file. The list for each researcher shall include the 10 publications that are the most relevant to the research described. Each list shall cover a maximum of 1 page-numbered A4 page in Arial, font size 11, single line spacing and 2.5 cm margins. The name of the researcher in question shall be highlighted in bold and also be included in the page header of each list. The publication lists of the applicant and the international project leader shall come first in the compiled document.
Please only include articles or equivalent that are published or accepted for publication at the time of applying. The author name order shall be identical to that of the published work. The application cannot be supplemented with publications after the deadline for the call.
The publications shall be of the type Peer-reviewed original articles, conference contributions, edited volumes, research review articles, books and book chapters, and other publications including popular science books/presentations.
Administrating organisation
Please state the administrating organisation and project site.
Letter of support
Please attach a formal joint letter of support from the Swedish and the Brazilian administrating organisations. The document may cover no more than 2 A4 pages, and shall be written in English. The purpose of the letter is to ensure that a strategic discussion has taken place within and between departments, which includes long term benefits for both sides.
Here you as applicant may invite the Brazilian international project leader, other participating researchers, and any administrators to your application.
The international project leader should be distinguished from other invited participating researchers by marking them in the table in the application form. You must assign full editing rights to the international project leader.
CV’s (all researchers)
Under this tab, please upload your relevant CV information from your personal account in Prisma. Participating researchers must upload their own CV information to the application.
Brazilian researchers
Brazilian participants shall only provide information on their doctoral degree (if applicable) and current employment. The complete cv information should be uploaded in pdf-format under the tab CV-Brazilian researchers (described above).
Swedish researchers
The following information (where available) must always be included in each CV:
- Education: First, second and third cycle higher education and specialist degrees.
- Work: Current employment (including employment form) and longer relevant employment held, postdoctoral visits (also included as employment if relevant), research exchanges relevant to the research described and any longer interruptions in the research that have impacted on your opportunity to gain merit as a researcher.
- Merits and awards: Docentship/associate professorship, supervisees (postdoctoral and doctoral students; state the number of persons in each category and list the names of the up to 10 most relevant to you), up to 10 of your most relevant grants awarded in competition, up to 10 of your most relevant prizes and awards, and up to 20 other merits relevant to the application.
- Intellectual property rights: For example, patents and open access computer programs developed by you; state up to 10 of your most relevant.
Scientific quality is the fundamental criterion when the Swedish Research Council allocates grants to research. Your application is evaluated in competition with the other applications on the basis of the following evaluation criteria. The purpose of the call is to either form new collaborations, or to strengthen existing ones, between researchers/research groups in Sweden and Brazil.
Evaluation process
Your application is evaluated by an international review panel with members nominated by the Swedish Research Council and CNPq.
Your application may also be reviewed and graded by external reviewers if needed. The appointed review panel will then meet to discuss and prioritize the applications taking into consideration (when applicable) the statements from the external reviewers.
After the panel has made their recommendation a decision is made by the Director General of the Swedish Research Council and the President of CNPq on which applications to fund. All applications will receive grades on all evaluation criteria as well as a written remark. In cases where applications are given the same overall grade, the “relevance” criterion will be decisive.
Evaluation criteria and guiding questions
The evaluation of the scientific quality of your application is made based on four basic criteria (Scientific quality of the proposed research, Novelty and originality, Merits of the applicants, Feasibility). The purpose of using several components is to achieve a multi-faceted evaluation. The criteria are assessed on a seven-grade scale, except for feasibility, which is assessed on a three-grade grade scale.
In addition to the basic criteria, your application is also evaluated using an additional criterion Relevance on a 7-grade scale.
For each criterion, there are guiding questions to support the evaluation of your application. These can also function as guidance for you when you write your application.
Scientific quality of the proposed research (1–7)
Guiding questions:
- To what extent can the proposed exchange, based on the included collaborators, define new, compelling scientific questions within its scientific area?
- Is the overall description of the exchange sufficiently clear, convincing and compelling, for example in the definition of research questions, description of planned activities and impact of the research collaboration?
Novelty and originality (1–7)
Guiding questions:
- Does the exchange combine scientific expertise and capacity in a novel way in relation to the research area?
- Does the exchange propose a line of research with clear progression and novelty in relation to previous research in the field or will the exchange add details to existing knowledge?
Merits of the applicant (1–7)
Guiding questions:
- Do the applicants in the exchange have sufficient research experience, expertise, level of independence and scientific network for the implementation of the proposed collaboration?
- How significant are the academic achievements, the impact and other qualifications of the applicants from a national and international perspective seen in relation to the research area and the applicant´s career age?
- Is the team´s collective competence/representation of relevant expertise in relation to the proposed research?
Feasibility (1–3)
Guiding questions:
- Is the proposed plan in general, including time schedule and methods, optimal for the proposed collaboration and the research therein?
- Does the exchange aim to establish long-term research collaboration and contain a realistic plan for how to raise funds for such collaboration?
- Does the proposed exchange include the availability and accessibility of relevant personnel, skills, equipment, facilities/infrastructures and other necessary resources?
Overall grade (1–7)
The above subsidiary criteria are weighed together into an overall grade, which reflects the review panel’s joint evaluation of the application’s scientific quality.
Relevance to the call: motivation for the expected contribution of the visiting researchers (1–7)
Applications financed within the framework of the Researcher exchange programme Sweden-Brazil shall be relevant based on the focus of the call.
Guiding questions:
- Is the visit a continuation of a previous collaboration or a start of a new collaboration and research project? Does the researchers in the exchange have key roles in the research project?
- Do the visiting researchers contribute with specialist competence not present in the research project and/or the host institution? Does the visit contribute to an interdisciplinary research environment?
- Do the visits contribute to defining new, compelling scientific questions within the scientific area of the call? Does the exchange have the potential to substantially increase the knowledge within the scientific area of the call? (For example novel concepts or theories, new directions for research and advancement of the field).
- Do the visits have the potential to create lasting collaborations within the research area of the call?
- Is the research project in which the visiting researchers will take part scientifically significant? Does the project extend or challenge current understanding, opinion or practice in the advertised field?
- To what extent does the research project contribute to tackling global challenges relating to the scientific area of the call?
- How does the visit and proposed research strengthen Swedish and Brazilian research within the area of the call in a broad sense?