Closed call

23 March - 13 April 2021

Research environment grant for follow-up studies of COVID-19 vaccines

The purpose of the grant is to give researchers the opportunity to collaborate nationally to conduct follow-up studies of COVID-19 vaccine that are justified by the needs of health and medical care and that contribute to a permanent infrastructure for future follow-up studies.

The initiative is based on a Government mandate.

Support form: Research environment and collaboration support

Subject area: Clinical Therapy Research, Medicine and Health

Focus: Follow-up studies of COVID-19 vaccines

Applicant: Individual researcher with a clinical position covering a minimum of 20 per cent of a full-time equivalent

Participating researchers: Minimum 3 and maximum 10 researchers shall be invited to join the application

Grant period: 3–4 years. The entire grant amount will be paid out in 2021

Grant amount: Minimum 10 million SEK in total, maximum 25 million SEK in total

Budgetary framework: 100 million SEK 

Start of grant period: June 2021

Application period: 23 March 2021 (14.00/2 pm) – 13 April 2021 (14.00/2 pm

Publication of grant award: No later than end of June 2021

Please note:

  • You must explain in your research plan how your stated activity level is suited to the implementation of the research project.
  • National collaboration (minimum 4 collaborating regions) is a requirement, and the main part of the research shall be conducted in Sweden.
  • Please note also that if you have an ongoing grant to a research environment or a grant under the distinguished professor programme from the Swedish Research Council, or if you are applying for such a grant in 2021, you are also eligible to apply. Your application must then clearly explain how the various grants/applications relate to each other, and how you will be able to carry out all your research undertakings. We will consider your joint resource requirements, which may impact on the amount of funding you are awarded.
  • You will need to have a data management plan Opens in new window. for data generated within the research we award funds for. You must not send the plan to us, but according to our general grant terms and conditions, your administrating organisation must confirm that a data management plan will be in place when you start your project or equivalent, and also that the plan will be maintained.

Specific instructions for the call

In addition to reading the call text, you also need to consult our Guide for applicants Opens in new window..