Closed call

30 November - 14 February 2023

Grant for research infrastructure of national interest

The purpose of the grant is to support research infrastructure of national interest. This might refer to national infrastructure, or Swedish participation in international infrastructure.

The grant may be used for investment and operation, and may include costs for coordination, development, construction or upgrading of research infrastructure. It is only possible to apply for grants for the research infrastructures/areas listed in the call text.

Support form: Infrastructure support

Subject area: Research infrastructure

Focus: Research infrastructure of national interest

Applicant: Organisation applicants only

Participating researchers: No participating researchers may be invited to join the application.

Grant period: 1-5 years. (The grant period applied for should end in an even year.)

Start of grant period: No earlier than January 2024

Application period: 30 November 2022 (14.00/2 pm) – 14 February 2023 (14.00/2 pm)

Publication of grant award: No later than December 2023

Please note:

  • New features in this call are the subsidiary focuses National infrastructure, Technology and methodology development project at international infrastructure, and New membership in international infrastructure.
  • The total budget for the call will be decided in early 2023. As the budget situation is strained ahead of the upcoming call round, the Swedish Research Council will be forced to make strict prioritisations, and the approval rate is therefore expected to be lower than for previous calls. The applicant is encouraged to carefully consider which parts of the application are the most crucial for the operation of the infrastructure, and where support is difficult to obtain from other sources. It is important that these considerations are clearly described in the application.

Specific instructions for the call

In addition to reading the call text, you also need to consult our Guide for applicants Opens in new window..