Closed call
18 January - 21 February 2023
Scientific journal grant within humanities and social sciences
The purpose of the grant is to promote maximum dissemination of advanced research results in humanities and social sciences. The Swedish Research Council supports Swedish open access journals of the highest scientific quality that promote renewal within the research field. The journals shall have a national and international focus. Locally-focused journals are not funded by the Swedish Research Council.
Support form: Operational support
Subject area: Humanities and Social Sciences
Focus: Humanities and Social Sciences
Applicant: Organisation. The editor of the journal shall be invited to be the project leader for the application.
Participating researchers: No participating researchers may be invited to join the application.
Grant period: 1–3 years
Grant amount: Minimum 50 000 SEK per year, maximum 240 000 SEK or 350 000 SEK per year. See under the heading “Costs and grant amounts” for further information.
Start of grant period: January 2024
Application period: 18 January 2023 (14.00/2 pm) – 21 February 2023 (14.00/2 pm)
Publication of grant award: No later than end of September 2023
Koordinator för humaniora och samhällsvetenskap
Anders Sundin
Specific instructions for the call
In addition to reading the call text, you also need to consult our Guide for applicants Opens in new window..
In order for a person to access the call and start the application process, they have to be authorised to create organisation applications on the organisation’s Prisma account. If this is not the same person who will be the project leader and responsible for completing the application, the project leader must be invited to the application once the process has been started (see under the heading “Applicant” below, and under the tab “Participants” in the application form).
The following requirements must be fulfilled in order for the organisation to be eligible to apply for the grant. We carry out checks and reject applications that do not fulfil the requirements.
Framework for the journal
To be eligible to apply for the grant, the journal must have:
- a national or international editorial council that is responsible for the journal’s scientific focus. The editorial council shall consist of scientific experts, and the composition must correspond well to the journal’s scientific profile. The editorial council should be renewed and meet regularly.
- one or more editors, appointed by the journal’s editorial council for a limited period.
- a referee system with external quality review. Material sent in should be reviewed by a minimum of two scientific experts who are independent of the editors.
- a national and/or international (as opposed to local) focus.
The journal shall also publish with open access. This means that the journal must either
- itself offer immediate open access to the articles published in the journal, or
- give article authors the right to immediately self-archive the article in a freely accessible archive.
The applicant for the grant must be a Swedish higher education institution (HEI) or another organisation that has been approved as an administrating organisation Opens in new window. for grants from the Swedish Research Council. The administrating organisation shall be the host organisation for the journal’s editors, and be responsible for ensuring the grant is used according to the Swedish Research Council’s terms and conditions.
The application shall include a named editor of the journal who is active within the administrating organisation at the start of the grant period.
Number of applications and previous grants
An organisation may submit several applications provided they relate to different journals. There are no limits in terms of any other grants that may be applied for or held at the same time as a publication grant.
Please note that if the journal has previously been awarded a grant from the Swedish Research Council, this shall be stated in the application.
Participating researchers
No participating researchers may be included in this application.
Costs and grant amounts
The grant covers costs directly related to the journal, such as salary costs for the editor and editor’s secretary, printing costs, internet publication, distribution and language review. Salaries for other editorial team members are not covered by the grant. Please note also that indirect costs may only be included relating to salary costs.
The minimum amount you may apply for is 50 000 SEK per year, including indirect costs. The maximum amount you may apply for per year depends in the publishing profile of the journal, and is divided up into two levels:
Level 1
Maximum amount 240 000 SEK per year: Up to 2 issues per year, with fewer than 15 articles per year.
Level 2
Maximum amount 350 000 SEK per year: From 2 issues per year with more than 15 articles per year, or from 3 issues per year, irrespective of the number of articles.
Grant period
The grant may cover a minimum of 1 and a maximum of 3 years, starting in January 2024. The first payment will be made during January 2024 at the earliest.
Please refer to the application form in Prisma in parallel with reading the instructions below, which describe the call-specific contents of the application. More information on what to do in practical terms is available in our Guide for applicants Opens in new window..
The application may be written in Swedish or English.
Sections of the application
The application form includes the following tabs:
- Descriptive information
- Scientific description of the journal
- Budget and research resources
- Administrating organisation
- Participants
The information requested under each tab is described below.
Descriptive information
Summary information about the journal
The summary shall include a brief description of the following:
- the scientific focus of the journal and its significance to the research field
- the significance of the grant for the journal and the research field
Please use wording to ensure persons with another subject specialisation can understand the information.
The description may cover a maximum of 1 500 characters including blank spaces. This is approximately one third of an A4 page in Arial, font size 11, single line spacing.
Scientific description of the journal
The journal’s publishing profile
Please state the following information:
- link to the journal’s website
- direct link to the journal’s online version, which the Council’s reviewers can read in order to form an opinion of the contents
- brief description of the journal’s open access model
- the journal’s publishing statistics.
Scientific plan
The plan shall consist of a brief but complete description of the journal’s scientific profile, importance to the research field and editorial practice. It may cover a maximum of 10 page-numbered A4 pages in Arial, font size 11, single line spacing and 2.5 cm margins, including references and any images.
The research plan must include the following headings and information, listed in the following order:
- Scientific profile: Describe the journal’s theme and focus.
- Referee system: Describe the journal’s referee system. Describe also how large a percentage of the articles are quality reviewed by experts within and outside the editorial team, and how many internal and external experts review each article.
- Editorial practice: Please describe the journal’s style and production, as well as its accessibility and archiving.
- Scientific novelty: Describe how the journal contributes to renewal within the research field.
- Significance: Describe the journal’s significance to the research field. To what extent is the journal expected to fill a gap that is not covered by other, already existing journals?
- Open access model: Describe the journal’s open access model, and any plans for its development.
Composition of the editorial team
State the name, academic title and country of the members of the editorial team, as well as contact details for the responsible editor. The description may cover a maximum of 1 500 characters including blank spaces. This is approximately one third of an A4 page in Arial, font size 11, single line spacing.
Scientific council
Please state the name, academic title, higher education institution and country of all members of the scientific council. The description may cover a maximum of 1 500 characters including blank spaces. This is approximately one third of an A4 page in Arial, font size 11, single line spacing.
Previously awarded grants
Please state the project name, case number, grant amount and grant period (that is the payment period from the Swedish Research Council; the extra availability period shall not be included) for any previous grant awarded to the journal. The description may cover a maximum of 1 500 characters including blank spaces. This is approximately one third of an A4 page in Arial, font size 11, single line spacing.
Budget and research resources
The grant may include salary costs for an editor and editor’s secretary. Please state the salaries applied for, both as a percentage of a full-time salary and as actual annual amounts (including social security contributions). Please state the amounts in Swedish krona, rounded to the nearest 1 000 SEK.
Other costs
Please describe other running costs (such as costs of production, digital publication and distribution, and language review). Please state the amounts in Swedish krona, rounded to the nearest 1 000 SEK.
Total cost of the journal
Prisma will automatically add up the budget items listed in a table. The total amount applied for shall also include indirect costs. These shall be added to the table by the applicant (project leader). Here the applicant (project leader) can also add any further costs that the journal gives rise to (for which funding is not applied for under this call).
Justification of the budget applied for
Justify briefly each cost applied for in the budget stated. The description may cover a maximum of 4 000 characters including blank spaces. This is approximately one A4 page in Arial, font size 11, single line spacing.
Other funding
Please state any other funding of the journal over and above what is applied for in this application. Please state the amounts in Swedish krona, rounded to the nearest 1 000 SEK.
Costs, revenues and results
Please attach the completed appendix “Kostnader, intäkter och resultat”. The template can be downloaded here Word, 41.9 kB, opens in new window. .
Administrating organisation
Please state the site for the journal.
Here the person invited to be the project leader for the application may invite participating administrators. Please note that participating researchers may not be invited in this application.
(Please note, only in Swedish:)
Vetenskaplig kvalitet är det grundläggande kriteriet för hur Vetenskapsrådet fördelar bidrag till forskning. Din ansökan bedöms i konkurrens med övriga ansökningar utifrån nedanstående bedömningskriterier.
Den vetenskapliga bedömningen av ansökan görs av aktiva forskare i Vetenskapsrådets beredningsgrupp för tidskriftsbidrag. Forskarna bedömer ansökan i konkurrens med övriga ansökningar utifrån Vetenskapsrådets bedömningskriterier för tidskriftsbidrag.
Minst tre ledamöter granskar och betygsätter din ansökan individuellt. Hela beredningsgruppen träffas sedan på ett beredningsgruppsmöte för att diskutera och prioritera ansökningarna och slutligen lämna ett förslag till beslut till Ämnesrådet för humaniora och samhällsvetenskap.
Beredningsgrupp Opens in new window.
För att ge utrymme åt mer djupgående diskussioner av de ansökningar som har högre kvalitet och en rimlig chans att bli finansierade, diskuteras inte de ansökningar som fått lägst betyg av ledamöterna i detalj på beredningsgruppens möte. Efter bidragsbeslut får alla ansökningar ett yttrande där det framgår vilka betyg ansökan fått av beredningsgruppen. De ansökningar som diskuterats mer utförligt vid beredningsgruppens möte får ett yttrande som förutom betyg även innehåller en sammanfattning av beredningsgruppens diskussion och bedömning av ansökans vetenskapliga kvalitet.
Bedömningskriterier och vägledande frågor
Bedömningen av den vetenskapliga kvaliteten på din ansökan görs med hjälp av Vetenskapsrådets tre kriterier för bedömning av ansökningar om tidskriftsbidrag (Tidskriftens vetenskapliga och redaktionella kvalitet, Tidskriftens spridning, betydelse och genomslag, Genomförbarhet). Syftet med kriterierna är att uppnå en allsidig bedömning. Kriterierna bedöms på en sjugradig betygsskala, med undantag för genomförbarhet som bedöms på en tregradig betygsskala.
För varje kriterium finns vägledande frågor som stöd till ledamöternas bedömning av din ansökan. Dessa kan även fungera som vägledning för dig när du skriver din ansökan.
Tidskriftens vetenskapliga och redaktionella kvalitet (1-7)
Vägledande frågor:
- I vilken grad är tidskriftens sakkunniggranskade innehåll av högsta vetenskapliga kvalitet?
- I vilken grad är tidskriftens övriga innehåll (t. ex. recensioner, översikter, meddelanden, essäer och debattinlägg) av högsta vetenskapliga kvalitet?
- I vilken grad säkerställer tidskriftens system för sakkunniggranskning att de publicerade texterna är av högsta vetenskapliga kvalitet?
- I vilken grad är tidskriftens författare och redaktion (redaktör, redaktionssekreterare, redaktionsråd m. fl.) vetenskapligt meriterade?
Tidskriftens spridning, betydelse och genomslag (1-7)
Tidskriftens nationella och internationella spridning, betydelse och bidrag till genomslag och synlighet för vetenskapsområdet
Vägledande frågor:
- I vilken grad säkerställer tidskriftens distributionssystem att innehållet är synligt, sökbart och tillgängligt för forskare i Sverige och internationellt?
- I vilken grad fyller tidskriften centrala funktioner inom vetenskapsområdet, i första hand med avseende på publicering av grundforskning, kvalitetsgranskning av forskningen (genom sakkunniggranskning av innehållet och recensioner) samt inomvetenskaplig debatt och informations- och idéutbyte?
- I vilken grad används tidskriftens innehåll i högre undervisningssammanhang?
- I vilken grad bidrar tidskriften till internationellt genomslag för svensk forskning?
- I vilken grad bidrar tidskriften till utveckling och förnyelse av vetenskapsområdet?
Genomförbarhet (1-3)
Vägledande frågor:
- Har tidskriften utgivningsbevis, ISSN-nummer och en ansvarig utgivare, eller anges hur sådana ska förvärvas?
- l vilken grad är projektplanens upplägg, inklusive tidsplan och budget, realistisk?
- I vilken grad finns upparbetade och fungerande rutiner för manushantering, redigering, produktion och distribution, eller anges hur sådana ska tas fram?
- Kan tidskriften förväntas ha tillräckligt med artikelmanus och annat material för att publicering ska kunna ske med vederbörlig urskiljning?
- I vilken grad är har redaktionen tillräcklig erfarenhet och kompetens för att genomföra den planerade utgivningen?
Sammanfattande betyg (1-7)
Ovanstående delkriterier vägs ihop till ett sammanfattade betyg som reflekterar beredningsgruppens samlade bedömning av ansökans vetenskapliga kvalitet. Det sammanfattande betyget är inte detsamma som ett medelvärde eller en summering av delbedömningarna, utan det ska reflektera tidskriftens kvalitet och betydelse för vetenskapsområdet i sin helhet. Det förutsätts inte att kvalitetsbegreppet täcker alla aspekter av de olika kriterierna, inte heller att de har samma relativa vikt för alla ansökningar. I normalfallet kan dock inte en starkt positiv bedömning av endast ett kriterium väga upp en ansökans övriga svagheter vid en sammanvägning.