Review panels
Natural and Engineering Sciences
Review panels
Natural and Engineering Sciences
NT-K Applied and Engineering Physics
This panel covers research aiming to utilize physics principles for applications in natural science and engineering. The themes, systems and devices handled by the panel therefore cover a wide range of fields within physical sciences, photonics as well as applications towards life science. Many of the topics covered by the panel can be classified as belonging to the general fields of nanoscience and nanotechnology.
Member | Organisation | Country |
Krishna Agarwal (chair) | The Arctic University of Norway | Norway |
Mikhail Katsnelson (vice chair) | Radboud University | Netherlands |
Igor Abrikosov | Linköping University | Sverige |
Marti Duocastella | University of Barcelona | Spain |
Arthur Ernst | Johannes Kepler University Linz | Austria |
Carlos Garcia Nunez | University of the west of Scotland | UK |
Juan Jimenez | University of Valladolid | Spain |
Nicolas Le Thomas | IMEC-Gent | Belgien |
Sumeet Mahajan | University of Southampton | Storbritannien och Nordirland |
Robert Maier | Heriot-Watt University | UK |
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Focus areas
- Semiconductor physics
- Electronic devices
- Surface physics
- Low-temperature physics
- Magnetism and spintronics
- Superconductivity
- Photonics
- Optoelectronic technology and instrumentation
- Sensor technology
- Biophysics
- Mesoscopic physics