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ERC Synergy Grant information webinar

Welcome 15 June to an information webinar about ERC Synergy grant (SyG). The next call, ERC-2023-SyG, is tentatively due to open in July 2022, with a deadline in November 2022.


15 June 2022




Digital meeting via Zoom.


Swedish Research Council in collaboration with Research Services at Lund University.

More about the call and the webinar

The call will be open to small groups of 2-4 researchers of any nationality and from any field of research, with a track-record assessed according to the level of their career stage. The applicants should demonstrate that the proposed research in their proposal cannot be carried out by a single Principal Investigator (PI) working alone. One of the PIs can be located outside Europe. Synergy Grants can have a maximum value of up to € 10 million for a period of up to 6 years.

This webinar aims to provide you with inspiration and practical advice for applying for an ERC SyG. It is aimed at researchers applying with Swedish host institutions, who have an interest in learning about the call and application process. Administrative staff at Swedish universities working with support for ERC applicants are also welcome to participate.

Agnes Kulcsar, the ERCA Synergy Grants Call coordinator, will provide information and guidance for the upcoming call. We have also invited two ERC Synergy grantees, Martin Leijnse from Lunds University and Tomas Roslin from Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU). A former panel chairman, Ole Petter Otterssen from Karolinska Institutet, is also invited to present at the webinar.

The webinar will be held in English.

ERC Calls 2023 – Tentative Dates | ERC: European Research Council ( External link.

Synergy Grants | ERC: European Research Council ( External link.



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