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EOSC EU node: Information and demonstration

The first node of the emerging EOSC federation was launched in fall 2024. The node will supply research data and other resources. This webinar is about the EOSC EU node and how you may use it.


27 January 2025




Digitally via Zoom, link sent out a few days before the meeting


Swedish Research Council and The Association of Swedish Higher Education Institutions, SUHF


Register no later than 23 January

The webinar will be held in English.

What is the EOSC EU node and how may I use it in my research?

The European open science cloud (EOSC) will supply research data and other resources. The first node of the emerging EOSC federation was launched in fall 2024 and is now operational.

In this webinar, Guido Aben from Swedish Research Council/Sunet explains what the EOSC EU node is and who it is for. Then Angeliki Adamaki from Lund University demonstrates how she has tested the EOSC EU node in her research.

The webinar is aimed at researchers and those interested in what the EOSC EU node can be used for. The webinar is organized by SUHF (The Association of Swedish Higher Education Institutions) and the Swedish Research Council (Vetenskapsrådet).

EOSC EU node (EU-kommisionen website) External link.


15.00 Introduction by the hosts

SUHF and Swedish Research Council

15.05 Background – what is the EOSC EU node and how can you use it?

Guido Aben, Swedish Research Council/Sunet

15.20 Demonstration and experiences of using the EOSC EU node

Angeliki Adamaki, Lund University

15.55 Closing with an opportunity for questions and reflections

The Swedish Research Council, SUHF and EOSC

The Swedish Research Council is tasked by the Government with coordinating and promoting Swedish involvement in the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC). We are also Sweden's mandated organisation in the EOSC association, where we represent the interests of the Swedish research community, among other things. And we are active in the technical development of EOSC through Sunet and Nordunet.

We have started an online forum to provide space for a broad national discussion on EOSC, where we welcome all reflections and discussions about your experiences with EOSC and the EU node. The forum EOSC Sverige/Sweden can be found in the service Sunet Forum External link.

Read more about the Swedish Research Council’s EOSC work

SUHF is a national association of higher education institutions in Sweden. Within SUHF, there is a coordination group for open science that supports the HEIs in developing their work with open science. SUHF is working with the Swedish Research Council to develop Sweden's work with EOSC.



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