STINT and the Swedish Research Council support collaborations with Chinese universities
SEK 15 million SEK has been awarded to 30 projects for the period 2020–2023 within STINT’s Joint China-Sweden Mobility programme. The Swedish Research Council is contributing SEK 5 million.
The aim of Joint China-Sweden Mobility is to strengthen Swedish research and higher education by developing and establishing international partnerships. It is of particular importance for young researchers and doctoral students to participate in the exchanges.
The proposed project must encompass at least one Swedish and at least one Chinese party. In addition to the application to STINT a parallel application is to be submitted by the Chinese party to the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC).
For the second year in a row, the Swedish Research Council participates in and finances one third of the projects. In total, 135 projects have been funded since 2015.
STINT, The Swedish Foundation for International Cooperation in Research and Higher Education External link. promotes knowledge and competence development within internationalization. STINT invests in internationalisation projects proposed by researchers, educators and leaderships at Swedish universities.
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