



Open call for presentations –The Swedish Research Council's Symposium on Artistic Research

Researchers within the field of artistic research are welcome to submit proposals for presentations at this year’s symposium on artistic research. The symposium is arranged on 25–26 November at HDK Valand, University of Gothenburg. We can receive proposals for presentations up until 30 June.

This year’s symposium on artistic research is about the opportunities and challenges involved in collaboration, and will take place 25–26 November at HDK Valand, University of Gothenburg. Researchers within the field of artistic research can now submit proposals for presentations. The symposium will be held in both Swedish and English.

Please send your application – in Swedish or English – to Niclas Östlind. The deadline is 30 June.

In order to deepen the discussion about the theme of the symposium Working Together we welcome all persons interested to propose presentations within two different formats: Actualisations and Conversations.


Actualisation is a presentation format intended to place (aspects of) the work itself at the centre, and make the character of practice-based research more present at the symposium. The format is based on an actualisation of the work, accompanied by a brief talk or discussion. We welcome different modes of actualisations, including exhibitions (for instance posters, prints and objects), staging, workshops, talks, presentations or other modes.

Each session will include 2 or 3 projects (30–45 minutes for each).

Submissions shall be formatted as extended (1000 word) abstracts that outline the research project and the work to be actualised. The extended abstract should also include a short description of the practical requirements for the actualisation of the work.


The aim of the conversation format is to create opportunities for open exchange, new perspectives and insights in artistic research. The format is meant to be experimental, and sessions may therefore range from more traditional panel discussions to workshops conducted in an actual workshop or studio.

A conversation between 3–5 researchers that act as catalysts, who frame and facilitate a 1-2 hours session.

Submissions will be in the form of extended (1000 word) abstracts including:

  • a list of 3–5 confirmed catalysts, including their job titles and their roles for this session
  • the title and description of the topic that you will address
  • the research issues in focus during the session
  • a description of the set-up of your session
  • a description of the type of space and equipment required

After the session, catalysts will be asked to submit a short reflective documentation of the session, focusing on the contributions of the participants to be added to the proceedings.

Application and review process

Please send your application The deadline is 30 June.

All submissions will be assessed through a peer review process, and the abstracts will be added to the proceedings. Feedback will be given on 1 September.



Pdf / Printout


Niclas Östlind


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