



Apply to RÅC 2022 summer school

The summer school will take place on 14–21 August 2022 at Varbergs Kusthotell, and is aimed at postdocs, doctoral students and masters students at Swedish universities or research institutes. This year’s theme is “X-rays and Neutrons for a Sustainable Future: Advanced Materials, Climate Crisis, Human Health”. The deadline for applications is 20 June 2022.

The call for RAC2022 Röntgen-Ångström International Summer School 2022 (Röntgen-Ångström-Cluster) covers up to 20 places for junior researchers active in Sweden. Successful applicants receive a scholarship that covers the cost of food and lodging.

One of the primary aims of the summer school, which will be held at Varbergs Kusthotell, is to strengthen the scientific knowledge base in the next generation of researchers, not least as new infrastructures for research, such as ESS, MAX IV and XFEL, are starting up.

The summer school, which used to be called ‘RACIRI’, is now arranged for the eighth time in a row, and has previously had around 100 participants each year, from Sweden, Germany and Russia. This year, the participants are from Sweden and Germany only.

Read more about the summer school and how to apply External link.

Part of the Röntgen-Ångström Cluster

Röntgen-Ångström International Summer School is part of the Swedish-German scientific cooperation in structural biology and materials sciences, Röntgen-Ångström Cluster (RÅC). The purpose of the cooperation is to strengthen research that uses neutron and synchrotron light, and to stimulate the use and/or accumulation of competence for major research infrastructures that already exist or are planned within the field. The Swedish Research Council is the administrating agency for RÅC.



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Information about the call


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