New reference group for issues relating to science communication
The Swedish Research Council has appointed a reference group that will contribute knowledge and advice to us on issues relating to science communication.
One of the mandates of the Swedish Research Council is to have overall responsibility for coordinating communication about research and research results. The new reference group will provide support in this work.
The group includes researchers and communication experts with differing competences. They are active at higher education institutions, research funding bodies, media and other organisations, and all have experience of science communication and knowledge sharing.
The new reference group does not have any specific task, but will provide general advice.
“The Swedish Research Council has made several initiatives in the area of science communication in recent years, and we look forward to discussing different issues with the reference group. These may concern areas such as strategies and formats for science communication, ongoing development projects and monitoring developments in the field of science communication”, says Mikael Jonsson, Director of Communications at the Swedish Research Council and chair of the reference group.
Members of the reference group
- Andreas Nord, Associate Professor of Biology, Lund University and a panel member of Young Academy of Sweden
- Anna Jonsson, Associate Professor of Business Economics, Lund University and a researcher at the Stockholm School of Economics
- Anna-Karin Thorstensson, Head of Unit and Communications Officer, Communications and Marketing Division, Linköping University
- Christina Dahlgren Director Artium, Linnaeus University
- Gustav Bohlin, Investigator and Assistant Secretary General, VA (Public & Science), PhD in Science Education
- Gustav Källstrand, Programme Editor, Nobel Prize Museum, PhD in Cultural History
- Jenny Björkman, Director of Collaboration, Riksbankens Jubileumsfond, PhD in History
- Lisa Kirsebom, science journalist
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