12 researchers in Sweden to recieve ERC Consolidator Grant 2022
The ERC has published the results of the call for Consolidator Grants. 12 of the researchers to receive a grant have a Swedish host institution, the majority of them do research in natural sciences and engineering.
ERC Consolidator Grant is intended for researchers whose PhDs were awarded 7-12 years ago, and the average grant is 2 million EUR paid across five years.
In total, 321 researchers from 18 countries in Europe will share 657 million EUR. Among the 12 researchers in Sweden receiving ERC Consolidator Grant, two are active within life sciences and ten in physical and engineering sciences.
In addition to these 12 researchers, four researchers from Swedish universities have received the highest grade (A) on their application and been placed on the ERC reserve list. 17 other researchers did receive the highest grade, but was placed in the category "unfunded A", which means outside budget.
Approved research projects
Chalmers University of Tecnhology
- Annika Lang: StochMan, Time-Evolving Stochastic Manifolds
- Witlef Wieczorek: SuperQLev, Entanglement of an array of massive, magnetically levitated superconducting microparticles on a chip
Karolinska Institutet
- Simon Elsässer: ChromaDYN, Quantitative multimodal pulse-and-label time-resolved chromatin maps
KTH, Royal Institute of Technology
- Shervin Bagheri: LUBFLOW, Lubricant-infused surfaces in sUrfactant- and Bacteria-laden turbulent FLOWs
Linköping University
- Magnus Jonsson: VisDOM, Visible Dynamic organic Optical Metasurfaces
- Johanna Rosén: MULTI2D, A Research Platform Addressing Outstanding Research Challenges for Nanoscale Design and Engineering of Multifunctional 2D Materials
- Klas Tybrandt: ExpandNeuro, In Situ Expandable Ultra-Soft and Stretchable Neural Probe Clusters
Lund University
- Martin Bech: AXES Histo, Advanced X-ray Energy-sensitive Microscopy for Virtual Histology
- Ville Maisi: QPHOTON, Microwave Quantum Photonics for Quantum Technology and Fundamental Physics
Stockholm University
- Jamie De La Cruz Rodriguez: MAGHEAT, Understanding energy deposition in the solar chromosphere
- Wei-Li Hong: MadSilica, Silicate alteration in marine sediments: kinetics, pathway, and dependency
Uppsala University
- Annica Black-Schaffer med projektet: SUPERLAND, A new SUPERconducting LANDscape: using nanoscale inhomogeneity for enhanced superconductivity
The ERC website has more statistics and a list of all the grant recipients. External link.
Deadline for the ERC Consolidator Grant 2023 is 2 February.
Sweden and ERC Consolidator Grant over time
Over the last five years, 64 researchers in Sweden have received an ERC Consolidator Grant.
Swedish Research Council and ERC
The Swedish Research Council works to encourage more Swedish researchers to apply for and be awarded ERC grants. Some of our work consists of arranging interview training for researchers who have been selected for stage 2 of the application process. We also organise webinars with information about upcoming ERC calls.
If you have questions, please contact Anethe Mansén, national contact point (NCP) for ERC:
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