



Agreements completed with four publishers of open access journals

Last autumn, the Swedish Research Council, Formas, Forte, and Vinnova made a focus decision to fund publishing using publishers that only produce journals with full open access. Agreements have now been entered into with four publishers.

The publishers covered are Frontiers, PLOS, MJS Publishing, and Copernicus 1. The Swedish Research Council, Formas, Forte, and Vinnova will together cover the publishing costs during 2024 and 2025.

Each publisher has information on all participating organisations, and will manage the identification of authors/articles entitled to publish under the agreements. General rules for corresponding authors and affiliation apply.

As many publishers identify articles based on both the stated affiliation and email domain, users of the service should always use their organisation’s email address when sending a manuscript to a journal.

If you have any questions about the agreements, please contact your higher education institution’s library.

Read more about the journals on the publishers’ websites:

Frontiers website External link.

PLO´s website External link.

MJS Publishing´s website External link.

Coperincu´s website – about open access journals External link.

Copernicu´s website – about special publications External link.

The Swedish Research Council´s guidelines for publishing with open access



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