



Sweden joins DARIAH-EU

DARIAH stands for Digital Research Infrastructure for the Arts and Humanities and is a European research infrastucture that supports digital research and teaching across the arts and humanities. The Swedish membership means that the infrastructure becomes accessible for researchers in Sweden.

DARIAH-EU provides researchers with access to digital resources to create, connect, and share knowledge about culture and society. The collaboration includes 23 member countries and 19 cooperating partners in an additional ten countries. Sweden becomes a member of DARIAH-EU through the Swedish Research Council.

– The membership will promote internationalisation and increase opportunities for collaboration with other European countries through mutual access to Swedish and European tools, data, and resources, says Stefan Svallfors, Secretary General for Humanities and Social Sciences at the Swedish Research Council.

The membership fee contributes to the operation and further development of the research infrastructure. The national DARIAH consortium in Sweden will be hosted by the Huminfra infrastructure.

"Sweden joins DARIAH as full member" ( External link.

Huminfra's website External link.




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