



Swedish EOSC Forum opened

The Swedish Research Council has started a Swedish forum for discussions, exchange of experiences and thoughts about the European open research cloud, EOSC. The aim is to strengthen the conditions for joint national development and forward direction in EOSC-related matters.

The forum is called EOSC Sweden.

“We aim to provide opportunities for direct exchange between various actors and stakeholders on EOSC issues and hope that the forum will become an important place for collaboration. It is part of our work to coordinate and promote Swedish engagement in EOSC,” says Sanna Isabel Ulfsparre, responsible for the forum.

How to join the forum

Log in to the Sunet forum service, either through your organisational login at Swedish universities or through an individual eduID account (an identity verification service made available by SUNET, the Swedish University Computer Network). If you do not have an eduID account, you can create one.

Once logged in, you can search for EOSC Sweden or use the direct link: External link.

Log in to the Sunet forum service External link.

How to create an eduID ( External link.




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