Nine research projects with Swedish participation receive the ERC Synergy Grant 2024
The ERC has now published the results from the Synergy grant call 2024. The grant is aimed at research teams with two to four researchers who work in synergy to jointly solve a research question. In total, 57 projects are sharing more than 571 million euro from the European Research Council. Nine of them include researchers with Swedish host organisation.
In this call applicants submitted 548 proposals (increase from 395 in 2023). The 57 winning projects involve 201 researchers who will carry out their projects at 184 universities and research centres in 24 countries.
VASC-IMMUNE: Targeting the vascularimmune interface to induce anti-tumor immunity
Anna Dimberg och Magnus Essand, Uppsala University. Other participants: Thomas Tüting (Germany)
STARMORPH: Unravelling Spatiotemporal Auxin Intracellular Redistribution for Morphogenesis (STARMORPH)
Stephanie Robert, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences. Other participants: Ondrej Novak (Czech Republic) Juergen Kleine-Vehn (Germany) och Alexander Jones (UK).
REMAKE: Reconstructing Embodied Musical knowledge At the Keyboard
Joel Speerstra, University of Gothenburg. Other participants: Massimiliano Guido (Italy), Andrea Schiavio (UK)
RESYDE: Re-engineering symmetry breaking in development and evolution
Stephan Wenkel, Umeå University. Other participants: Kerstin Kaufmann (Germany), Marcus Heisler (Austria) och Henrik Joensson (UK)
RECLESS: Recycling versus loss in the marine nitrogen cycle: controls, feedbacks, and the impact of expanding low oxygen regions
Laura A Bristow, University of Gothenburg. Other participants: Bo Thamdrup (Denmark). Katharina Kitzinger (Austria) och Emily Zakem (USA)
RECAP: Unravelling the complexity of the reionization history though simulations and multi-wavelength observations
Kirsten Kraiberg Knudsen, Chalmers. Other participants: Laura Pentericci och Valentina D'Odorico (Italy), och Benedetta Ciardi (Germany)
OPEN-2QS: Open 2D Quantum Simulator
Markus Hennrich, Stockholm University. Other participants: Igor Lesanovsky och Ferdinand Schmidt-Kaler (Germany)
MaScAmp: Mathematics of Scattering Amplitudes
Oliver Schlotterer, Uppsala University. Other participants: Axel Kleinschmidt (Germany), Ruth Britto (Ireland) och Francis Brown (UK)
Custom-Made: Custom-made Neurons for Cell Therapy in Parkinson’s and Huntington’s disease
Malin Parmar, Lund University. Other participants: Elena Cattaneo och Annalisa Buffo (Italy) och Jenny Emnéus (Denmark)
The ERC website has further figures and a list of all the grant recipients. External link.
The next ERC Synergy Grant call has an application deadline of 6 November 2024 External link.
Swedish Research Council and ERC
The Swedish Research Council works to encourage more Swedish researchers to apply for and be awarded ERC grants. Some of our work consists of arranging interview training for researchers who have been selected for stage 2 of the application process. We also organise webinars with information about upcoming ERC calls.
If you have questions, please contact Anethe Mansén, national contact point (NCP) for ERC:
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