14 researchers in Sweden to receive ERC Consolidator Grant 2024
The ERC has published the results of the call for Consolidator Grants. 14 of the researchers to receive a grant have a Swedish host institution.
ERC Consolidator Grant is intended for researchers whose PhDs were awarded 7-12 years ago, and the average grant is 2 million EUR paid across five years.
In total, 328 researchers from 25 countries in Europe will share 678 million EUR. Among the 14 researchers in Sweden receiving ERC Consolidator Grant, five are active within life sciences, five within social sciences and humanities and four within physical sciences and engineering. The approval rate of the call is 14.2%.
Another researcher from a Swedish university have received the highest grade (A) on their application and been placed on the ERC reserve list.
Approved research projects
University of Gothenburg
- Jesper Björklund with the project: BOREAUSTRALIS, Resolving troubling discord in Boreal versus Austral late Holocene temperature history
- Bart Klem with the project: SovereignPerformance, The politics of aspiring sovereignty: Understanding separatist politics from a performative perspective
- George Birchenough with the project: MUCPLUG, The molecular foundation of cervical mucus plug protection from intrauterine infection during pregnancy
Karolinska institutet
- Emma Andersson with the project: LIMITLESS, Direct in-utero engineering of mouse models
- Gustaf Edgren with the project: ASTUTE, Advanced Studies in Transfusion Epidemiology: Using ‘Big Data’ to safeguard the blood supply of the future
- Volker Lauscke with the project: 3DMASH, Scalable target identification for metabolic liver disease
KTH Royal Institute of Technology
- Outi Tammisola with the project: INTER-ET, Interaction of Elasto-inertial Turbulence and material microstructure – INTER-ET
Lund University
- Per Augustsson with the project: HUMPH, High-power ultrasound for multiparameter single-cell mechano-phenotyping
- Andreas Nord with the project: HotLife, Pathways to survival in a hotter world
- Enrico Romchi with the project: Egressibility, Egressibility: a paradigm shift in evacuation research
- Yafa Shanneik with the project: RELI-GENE, Governing Health, Family and Religion: The Biopolitics of Genetic Counselling and Religious Family Formations
- Mikkel Brydegaard with the project: HyperSense, Remote Microscopy, Nanoscopy and Picoscopy by Hyperspectral Lidar
Stockholm University
- Arash Nekoei with the project: Mobility, Intergenerational Mobility, Inequality, and Entrepreneurship along the Path of Development
Umeå University
- Alireza Salami with the project: DOPAGE, Unlocking the Dynamics of Dopamine in Aging: Balancing Pre- and Post-Synaptic Mechanisms for Optimal Brain Function across the adult lifespan
The ERC website has more statistics and a list of all the grant recipients External link.
Swedish Research Council and ERC
The Swedish Research Council works to encourage more Swedish researchers to apply for and be awarded ERC grants. Some of our work consists of arranging interview training for researchers who have been selected for stage 2 of the application process. We also organise webinars with information about upcoming ERC calls.
If you have questions, please contact Anethe Mansén, national contact point (NCP) for ERC:
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