Collaboration agreement with UK on the neutron source ISIS extended
The Swedish Research Council is extending the collaboration agreement on the neutron source ISIS, to safeguard access to neutron scattering resources for Swedish researchers.
The Swedish Research Council is extending the collaboration agreement on the neutron source ISIS, to safeguard access to neutron scattering resources for Swedish researchers.
The agreement with the United Kingdom has been extended up to and including 2029. With this, researchers in Sweden will continue to have access to ISIS, and the collaboration with British researchers can continue without interruption ahead of the start-up of ESS in Lund in 2027. It also means that it is possible to start projects to prepare researchers at Swedish higher education institutions for early use of ESS.
This is crucial for developing new technology and new instruments at ESS, and will give the Swedish research community experience and the competence right from the start to utilise the unique opportunities that ESS will offer, establishes Katarina Bjelke, Director General of the Swedish Research Council.
“The partnership with ISIS will make it possible for researchers in both Sweden and the United Kingdom to benefit fully from ISIS and ESS when it comes to the development of scientific and technical expertise in neutron scattering for advanced material studies,” says Katarina Bjelke.
ISIS Neutron Spallation Source
ISIS in a facility for neutron scattering in the United Kingdom for research into fields such as geosciences, materials sciences, chemistry and biology. Since 2015, Sweden has been a scientific member of the research infrastructure ISIS.
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