Pages about "Network grant"
News |
21 Dec 2020
Four research networks have been awarded grants to find new solutions and share methods that can slow down the development of antibiotic resistance. The support is a targeted initiative within the National research programme on antibiotic resistance.
Keywords: Antibiotic resistance Network grant
Call |
24 Feb 2020
The purpose of the network grant is to create an opportunity for a broad constellation of researchers, clinicians, innovators and experts to create a national network for coordinating a research question, sharing research data, or using infrastructur...
Keywords: Antibiotic resistance Medicine and health Network grant
Call |
14 Nov 2019
The purpose of the network grant is to support internationalisation and mobility through the development of long-term research collaboration within educational sciences between Swedish research teams and research teams in other countries. The grant ...
Keywords: Educational sciences Network grant
Grant decision |
31 Oct 2019
The purpose of the network grant is to support internationalisation and mobility through the development of long-term research collaboration within educational sciences between Swedish research teams and research teams in other countries. The grant ...
Keywords: Decision International calls International collaboration Medicine and health Network grant
Grant decision |
30 Oct 2019
The purpose of the network grant is to support internationalisation and mobility through the development of long-term research collaboration within educational sciences between Swedish research teams and research teams in other countries. The grant ...
Keywords: Antibiotic resistance Application International calls International collaboration Medicine and health Network grant
Grant decision |
04 Jul 2019
The Swedish Research Council has decided on the applications to be awarded grants within Educational sciences 2019. Our total grant amount for 2020-2024 is over 477 million SEK.
Keywords: Educational sciences Network grant Research project grant
Call |
07 Nov 2018
The purpose of the network grant Swedish Research Links is to establish a network around a specific research idea, aimed at a joint research project. The grant shall support the development of long-term joint research between Swedish researchers and ...
Keywords: Development research Network grant
Call |
07 Nov 2018
The purpose of the network grant is to support internationalisation and mobility through the development of long-term research collaboration within educational sciences between Swedish research teams and research teams in other countries.
Keywords: Educational sciences Network grant
Call |
07 Nov 2018
The purpose of the grant is to create opportunities for a constellation of researchers within academia and health and medical care to collaborate with other actors ahead of a future application for a research environment grant within clinical therapy...
Keywords: Clinical therapy research Network grant
Grant decision |
06 Sep 2018
The Swedish Research Council has decided on approved applications for JPIAMR network call on surveillance.
Keywords: Decision Network grant
Grant decision |
06 Sep 2018
Decisions have been taken within the 8th JPIAMR Joint Call: JPIAMR-VRI Network Call 2018. No Swedish applications has been granted.
Keywords: Antibiotic resistance Decision Medicine and health Network grant
Grant decision |
06 Sep 2018
The Swedish Research Council has decided on the applications to be awarded grants within clinical therapy research 2018. Our total grant amount for 2019–2021 is just over 200 million SEK.
Keywords: Clinical research Clinical therapy research Decision Network grant Research environment grant
Grant decision |
06 Sep 2018
The Swedish Research Council has decided on the applications to be awarded grants within educational sciences 2018. Our total grant amount for 2018–2022 is just over 196 million SEK.
Keywords: Decision Educational sciences Network grant Research project grant
Grant decision |
06 Sep 2018
The Swedish Research Council has decided on applications to be awarded research project grants within development research and network grants Swedish research links.
Keywords: Decision Development research International calls International collaboration Network grant Research project grant
Call |
04 Jun 2018
Read more about grants awarded in previous years. The purpose of the network grant Swedish Research Links is to establish a network around a specific research idea, aimed at a joint research project. The grant shall support the development of long-te...
Keywords: Development research Network grant
Call |
04 Jun 2018
The purpose of the network grant is to support the development of long-term research collaborations between Swedish research teams and research teams in other countries. The grant shall provide the opportunity to establish or further develop during a...
Keywords: Educational sciences Network grant
Grant decision |
07 Dec 2017
Decisions on research project grants within development research including research network grant for Swedish research links has been taken by the Swedish Research Council.
Keywords: Development research Network grant Research project grant
Grant decision |
09 Feb 2017
In February 2017, we published a joint grant decision for the 2016 network grants within the research collaboration between the Swedish Research Council and the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC).
Keywords: Decision International calls International collaboration Natural and engineering sciences Network grant
Call |
09 Mar 2016
The aim of the network grant Swedish research links is to support the development of long-term research collaboration between Swedish researchers and researchers from low and lower-middle income countries. The grant is announced in the field of devel...
Keywords: Development research International collaboration Network grant