Pages about "Bibliometrics"
The Swedish Research Barometer 2023
Publikation | 21 May 2024
Swedish research in international comparison The Swedish Research Barometer provides an overall description of research and development (R&D) in Sweden, and highlights how Sweden compares internation...
The Swedish Research Barometer 2023 shows the state of Swedish research
30 November 2023
How does Sweden compare as a research nation in international comparison? Which higher education institutions invest the most in research and development (R&D)? How much of the expenditure on R&D goes...
The Swedish Research Barometer 2021
Publikation | 25 January 2022
The Swedish Research Barometer provides an overall description of research and development (R&D) in Sweden, and highlights how Sweden compares internationally as a research nation. In addition, the Sw...
Svenska Listan – a register of peer-reviewed publication channels in SwePub
Artikel | 21 January 2022
Svenska Listan (“the Swedish List”) is a register of peer-reviewed publication channels in the database SwePub. The list aims to make the contents of the publication database SwePub available for qual...
Bibliometrics – a measure of the quality of research
Artikel | 18 May 2018
The Swedish Research Council analyses statistics on the scientific publications produced by researchers. As a part of this, we calculate the extent to which researchers' results are cited, that is to...