Pages about "Research impact"
The Swedish Research Barometer 2023
Publikation | 21 May 2024
Swedish research in international comparison The Swedish Research Barometer provides an overall description of research and development (R&D) in Sweden, and highlights how Sweden compares internation...
Science Europe: How to strengthen the dialogue between researchers and decision-makers
9 April 2024
More dialogue is needed between the research community and decision-makers to ensure decisions made are based on scientific knowledge. A new report from Science Europe has proposals for how this dialo... makes science easier to access and understand
19 December 2023
A national platform for news and communication about research will be launched in February 2024. The platform continues to build on the existing website, and is a long-term initiative and...
The Swedish Research Barometer 2023 shows the state of Swedish research
30 November 2023
How does Sweden compare as a research nation in international comparison? Which higher education institutions invest the most in research and development (R&D)? How much of the expenditure on R&D goes...
Important to strengthen research quality and international competitiveness
2 November 2023
The Swedish Research Council’s input to the Government’s research and innovation bill presents our views on what needs to be done to strengthen the Swedish research system and create good precondition...