Pages about "Scientific quality"
Swedish research can be enhanced without expensive reorganisation
1 February 2024
The Swedish Research Council rejects the proposal for three new public agencies in our response to the consultation document proposing a new public agency structure for funding research and innovation...
Important to strengthen research quality and international competitiveness
2 November 2023
The Swedish Research Council’s input to the Government’s research and innovation bill presents our views on what needs to be done to strengthen the Swedish research system and create good precondition...
Research and innovation are needed for a sustainable and secure society
31 October 2023
The Swedish Research Council, the Swedish Energy Agency, Formas, Forte, the Swedish National Space Agency and Vinnova have now submitted a joint document with recommendations ahead of the Government b...
Four areas that need to be prioritised in order to strengthen Swedish research
31 May 2023
In a new report, the Swedish Research Council presents proposed measures for how Sweden shall achieve its research policy goals. A central point is that the quality perspective needs to permeate all p...
Swedish physics research has great impact
18 April 2023
Swedish research in physics is of high quality and has great impact, both nationally and internationally. This was established by the international panel that evaluated the research at 12 universities...