Pages about "Statistics"
The Swedish Research Barometer 2023
Publikation | 21 May 2024
Swedish research in international comparison The Swedish Research Barometer provides an overall description of research and development (R&D) in Sweden, and highlights how Sweden compares internation...
New statistics for applications and decisions
5 March 2024
We have now published overall statistics for applications and grant decisions for 2023. To make the statistics more useful, we have divided up the subjects differently compared to previous years.
The Swedish Research Barometer 2023 shows the state of Swedish research
30 November 2023
How does Sweden compare as a research nation in international comparison? Which higher education institutions invest the most in research and development (R&D)? How much of the expenditure on R&D goes...
Statistics 2022
Artikel | 16 February 2023
The Swedish Research Council has in total prepared 5 298 applications during 2022. Of these, 1 005 applications have been granted more than 4,5 billion SEK.
The regions’ reporting of ALF payments
Artikel | 18 October 2022
The ALF agreement regulates the amount of national government funds that is paid to the regions covered by the ALF collaboration for collaborating in the education of physicians, carrying out clinical...