National research programme in criminality

The Swedish Research Council is responsible for a ten-year national research programme in criminality. The programme shall contribute to the work to prevent crime, fight crime and create security, and will include both applied research and a multitude of disciplines.

Goals of the research programme

The research programme in crime shall add new knowledge about the causes and consequences of criminality, and also about methods for preventing and fighting crime.

A strategic research agenda is in place to guide the work forward. Three primary activities are proposed for the programme:

  • Create meeting places for researchers and practitioners about knowledge needs in criminality.
  • Initiate research and support the long-term development of the research field.
  • Promote accessibility and dissemination of the research for a knowledge-based practice.

The agenda also includes a research review in criminology, a description of the research funding bodies and actors active in the field, and a mapping of projects of relevance to criminality that were funded during the period 2015–2022.

Research agenda for the national research programme in criminality (In Swedish with summary in English)

Participating actors

The programme committee includes representatives from Forte, Formas, the Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency (MSB) and the Swedish Crime Victim Authority. They give advice on how the programme and the strategic research agenda shall be designed, take part in joint calls where their interests coincide, and provide orientation about ongoing and planned initiatives.

Besides the programme committee, there is also a knowledge committee with representatives from the Swedish Police Authority, the Swedish National Council for Crime Prevention, the Swedish Prison and Probation Service, the National Board of Health and Welfare, the Swedish Economic Crime Authority, the National Board of Forensic Medicine and The Swedish Association of Local Authorities and Regions (SALAR). The knowledge committee contributes in the identification of knowledge gaps and knowledge interests, based on the various public agencies’ areas of responsibility, and gives feedback on research reviews and the programme’s research agenda.

The national research programme also has a reference group with researchers who provide advice on the contents of the research agenda.

Research projects approved

One of six national research programmes

This is one of six national research programmes for which the Swedish Research Council is responsible. The programmes are broad, ten-year initiatives aimed at coordinating research within a particular area.

Read more about the programs

Calls and events within the programme

Projects awarded funding will be part of the national research programme focusing on criminality, and will be coordinated by a scientific coordinator.

12 November 2024
Project grant for research into crime
The purpose of the project grant is to give researchers the freedom to formulate their own research idea, method and implementation, and to solve a specific research task within a limited period. This is a project grant with focus, aimed at supporting research into crime.
Grant decision
6 December 2022
Project grant for research into crime
The Swedish Research Council has decided on the applications to be awarded grants for research into crime...



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Programme manager

Nevra Biltekin


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