Open access to research data is a complex area that involves many different actors, both nationally and internationally. The Swedish Research Council’s mandate is implemented in consultation with bodies such as the National Library of Sweden, the National Archives, the Agency for Digital Government, and higher education institutions.
In June 2023, we published the annual report on the mandate. The report includes mapping, analysis and assessment of the national work on open access to research data, together with recommendations for how the work should be implemented in the future to drive the development towards open access to research data forwards.
How we are organised

The purpose of the reference group is to contribute by:
- Providing a good overview of how the work of handling research data and open data is going in Sweden and internationally, for example in the EOSC.
- Providing viewpoints on how data management plans, FAIR principles, and open access to research data can become an integrated part of information management in Sweden.
- Creating engagement with and wide acceptance of, and spreading knowledge about the work on data management plans, implementation of FAIR principles, and open access to research data.
- Providing input into how incentives for open access to research data can be reinforced.
- In addition to the Swedish Research Council, the group includes representatives from the following organisations:
- Agency for digital government, DIGG
- Chalmers University of Technology
- University of Gothenburg, hosting the Swedish National Data Service (SND)
- Formas (Swedish Research Council for Sustainable Development)
- Forte (Swedish Research Council for Health, Working Life and Welfare)
- Karolinska Institutet
- Lantmäteriet
- Linnaeus University
- Luleå University of Technology
- Lund University
- National Archives
- National Bioinformatics Infrastructure Sweden, NBS
- National Library of Sweden
- Royal Institute of Technolog, KTH
- Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences
- SciLifeLab (Datacenter)
- SND Swedish National Data Service
- Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute
- Swedish National Infrastructure for Digital Archaeology
- Swedish National Space Agency
- Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
- Stockholm University
- Association of Swedish Higher Education Institutions, SUHF
- Umeå University
- University of Borås
- University of Skövde
- Uppsala University
- Vinnova (Sweden’s Innovation Agency)

The Swedish Research Council has appointed a work team to coordinate the national work on data management plans, to support increased open access to research data. The group includes representatives from the following organisations:
- Halmstad University
- Karolinska Institutet
- KTH Royal Institute of Technology
- Linköping University
- National Archives
- Scilifelab
- SND Swedish National Data Service
- University of Gothenburg
- Association of Swedish Higher Education Institutions, SUHF
- Stockholm University
- SLU Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
- Umeå University Library
The Swedish Research Council is the national point of reference for the European Commission
The European Commission has issued a recommendation on open access to research data and preservation of scientific information. The Swedish Research Council has the role of National Point of Reference (NPR) on Scientific Information for Sweden. This means that we coordinate the measures stated in the recommendation nationally, and report on the work done in Sweden to the European Commission – and vice versa.
Read more about what it means to be an NPR on the EU Commission’s website External link.