Research infrastructure
Humankind, culture and society
Research infrastructure
Humankind, culture and society
ESS-ERIC – European Social Survey
A survey of attitudes and behaviours that aims – among other things – to map and explain the interaction between Europe's changing structures and attitudes, increase comparability in surveys and develop and implement social indicators. The Swedish node is ESS-S at Umeå University.
The European Social Survey ERIC is a survey studying people’s attitudes, values and behaviours, and has to date been conducted eight times since the start in 2001, in more than 30 European countries, of which Sweden is one. The survey is carried out every two years, through a random sample of 800 to 1 500 persons in each country being interviewed about their attitudes, values and behaviours. Sweden has been a member since 2012, and the Swedish node is part of the infrastructure CORS.
Read more on ESS-ERIC's website External link.