Research infrastructure
Materials science, neutron and synchrotron light
Research infrastructure
Materials science, neutron and synchrotron light
ISIS Neutron Spallation Source
Facility for neutron scattering in the United Kingdom for research into fields such as geosciences, materials sciences, chemistry and biology. Sweden contributes to three diffractometers at ISIS: Polaris, HRPD and IMAT.
Since 2015, Sweden has been a scientific member of the British neutron source ISIS. Sweden participates in two of the facility’s instrument development projects: the diffractometers Polaris and HRPD. Polaris is a high-intensity instrument that can be used for rapid data collection (for example kinetic studies), experiments where a small amount of material is available, and the study of materials under special conditions and also disorganised materials. HRPD is a high-resolution neutron powder diffractometer, with the best resolution for this type of instrument, which allows it to study small structural details in complex crystal materials with large unit cells and small structural changes between phases. The project is operated by Chalmers University of Technology.
Read more on ISIS' website External link.
This infrastructure is funded by the Swedish Research Council.