Research infrastructure

Materials science, neutron and synchrotron light

Research infrastructure

Materials science, neutron and synchrotron light

MAX IV laboratory

Synchrotron light facility in Lund for research into fields such as materials science, biotechnology, medicine, energy and environmental engineering.

Sweden’s national synchrotron light facility, the MAX IV laboratory, was opened in 2016 and is the world’s brightest synchrotron light facility. Its predecessor, Max-lab, has in part been moved to the new MAX IV, and the rest is being gradually closed down. At MAX IV, researchers within areas as widely differing as biology, physics, chemistry, environmental science, geology, engineering, pharmaceuticals and cultural heritage will be able to study molecules down to atomic level.

The characteristics of the X-ray radiation from the MAX IV facility are largely due to the magnet design developed at MAX IV. MAX IV consists of a linear accelerator that in its extension has a hard X-ray beam line for short (down to 100 femtoseconds) and very intensive X-ray pulses, and two storage rings operated at energy levels of 3.0 GeV and 1.5 GeV respectively. When the facility is fully completed, there will be room for almost 30 beamlines at the two storage rings.



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This infrastructure is funded by the Swedish Research Council.