Research infrastructure


Research infrastructure


PRACE – Partnership for Advanced Computing in Europe

A European computer infrastructure that provides computing resources for large-scale operations in all disciplines, of an order of magnitude beyond national computer resources.

PRACE is a European infrastructure with the purpose of supporting scientific discoveries, technical research and development with major impact across all fields of science. To achieve this, PRACE strives to offer high-performance computational and data management resources and services of high quality. PRACE also strives to reinforce the industrial users of high-performance computing (HPC) through various initiatives.

The long-term aim of all activities is to strengthen Europe's competitiveness, and users are allocated resources following scientific assessment. PRACE consists of 25 member countries and is organised as a international non-profit association, based in Brussels. Sweden's membership of PRACE means that Swedish researchers have the opportunity to apply for access to the constituent systems.

SNIC is the Swedish partner within PRACE, and as such, SNIC has taken the initiative to a support service that helps Swedish research teams to use the massive, parallel PRACE computers.