Research infrastructure

Humankind, culture and society

Research infrastructure

Humankind, culture and society

REWHARD – Relations, Work and Health across the life-course - A Research Data infrastructure

An infrastructure under construction, comprising eight complementary, high-quality longitudinal databases for research into working life, social relations and health throughout life.

REWHARD is an infrastructure under construction, aimed at both enabling and facilitating research into how human health and living conditions are formed over time. For this, a long time perspective is needed, with data that spans the lifetimes of individuals and have links across generations. REWHARD shall coordinate documentation and harmonisation of metadata, offer a user portal and build a platform for cross-fertilisation between academic fields.

REWHARD comprises four complementary, longitudinal databases covering more than 12 million persons in total, for research into working life, social relations and health throughout life:

  • SLOSH (The Swedish Longitudinal Occupational Survey of Health)
  • LNU (Swedish Level of Living Survey)
  • IMAS (Insurance Medicine All Sweden)
  • STODS (Swedish Twin project Of Disability pension and Sickness absence).

These databases enable research into areas such as the ageing population, increasing economic disparity, sickness absence, immigration and integration, stress at work and work-life balance, and social exclusion.



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This infrastructure is funded by the Swedish Research Council.