Research infrastructure

Physics and engineering sciences

Research infrastructure

Physics and engineering sciences

SKAO – Square Kilometre Array Observatory

International radio astronomy project at the planning phase. Chalmers University of Technology participates in the development of components for SKAO.

Square Kilometre Array Observatory, SKA=, is an international radio astronomy project, which is at the planning phase and is included in ESFRI's roadmap. It will consist of a number of linked radio telescopes in South Africa and Australia, which will be constructed in phases. The first phase, SKA-1, is expected to be completed in the mid-2020s, and will have 15–20 per cent of the final collecting area of the whole SKAO. Despite its limited area, SKA-1 will have considerably improved sensitivity compared to today’s radio telescopes. In addition, SKA-1 will be able to conduct significantly faster measurements of the sky than existing radio telescopes.

SKAO is currently organised as a British limited company, with twelve member countries including Sweden. An interstate organisation is expected to be formed shortly, which will construct and operate the telescope.



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This infrastructure is funded by the Swedish Research Council.