Register and health data

The Swedish Research Council is working to improve access to and facilitate the use of register data and health data for purposes such as research.

Our role in register data and health data for research

The Swedish Research Council has been tasked to improve accessibility to and facilitate the use of register data for research purposes, and to assist researchers with information about registers and the relevant legislation. The Swedish Research Council has also been tasked to set up an advisory function for better utilisation of health data for research and innovation.

Using register and health data

The Swedish Research Council operates the website This has information on how register and health data can be used in research. The website also has a link to RUT, a metadata tool that makes it easier to conduct searches in registers and understanding what the variables in the registers mean.

Work is underway to develop a new website, with support for those who want to utilize registry data and health data for research and innovation. Existing content on the current will be integrated into the new website

Information in Swedish about the new website can be found on External link.


The Swedish Research Council’s publications and positions on register-based research and health data. The publications are written in Swedish, but there is a English summary attached.

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Register-based research


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