Stängd utlysning
20 januari - 23 juni 2016
Research collaboration – China-Sweden: Network grant
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The aim of the grant is to support the development of long-term research collaboration between Swedish and Chinese researchers.
Typ av bidrag
Research collaboration - China-Sweden: Network grant
Naturvetenskap och teknikvetenskap
Biotechnology and New energy
Söks av
The application must include a collaboration between a Swedish researcher and researchers and/or research groups active at a university or research institute in China.
Medverkande forskare
The application may include other participating researchers, who hold a doctoral degree or equivalent, and who will play a key role in the proposed collaboration and in the implementation of the research activities.
2 years
Read attached document
Bidragsbeslutet publiceras
23 june 2016
Bidragsperioden startar
In January 2017 at the earliest
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