Observera att vi förlängt ansökningstiden till 15 september (tidigare stängningsdatum var 27 augusti).
Stängd utlysning
10 juni - 15 september 2020
Project grant for research collaboration between South Korea and Sweden
Stödform: Projektstöd
Område: Medicin och hälsa
Focus: South Korea-Sweden: Joint research collaborations on the control and prevention of Covid-19 epidemics.
Applicant: Individual researcher who participates as the Swedish project leader in a joint collaboration with a project leader in South Korea. Only researchers at an administrating organisation approved by the Swedish Research Council may apply.
Grant period: 13 months
Budgetary framework: 12 000 000 SEK in total
Grant amount: 1 500 000 SEK for the Swedish partner for the entire grant period.
150 000 000 KRW for the Korean partner for the entire grant period.
Start of grant period: December 2020
Application period:
For the joint application to NRF: 9 September 2020 (18/6 p.m. local time Korea)
For the Swedish project leader’s application in Prisma: 15 September 2020 (14.00/2 p.m. CET)
Publication of grant award: No later than the end of October 2020
Magnus Friberg
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