Stängd utlysning
14 april - 25 maj 2021
Forskningssamarbete Brasilien-Sverige: Bidrag till forskarutbyte
Observera att utlysningstexten bara är tillgänglig på engelska. Läs utlysningstexten här Öppnas i nytt fönster..
Stödform: Projektstöd
Område: Medicin och hälsa, Naturvetenskap och teknikvetenskap
Focus: Brazil-Sweden: Emerging infectious diseases and the threat of antimicrobial resistance
Applicant: Individual researcher
Participating researchers: A minimum of 1 and a maximum of 7 researchers shall be invited to join the application. A representative of the Brazilian part of the researcher exchange shall be invited and designated as the International project leader, in the application.
Grant period: 2022
Grant amount:
Swedish applicant: 100 000 SEK/month and person up to maximum 1 200 000 SEK in total.
Brazilian applicant: 18 980 SEK/month and person, up to maximum 227 760 SEK in total. Plus expenses.
Start of grant period: January 2022
Application period: April 14 2021 (14.00/2 p.m. Swedish time and 9.00/9 p.m. Brasilia time) – May 25 2021 (14.00/2 p.m. Swedish time and 9.00/9 p.m. Brasilia time)
Publication of grant award: No later than November